Page 38 - Studio International - November 1974
P. 38

Subsequent lectures are by Colin   art, but as just an aspect, of the alliance
                                                                          Emmett, of the Computer Aided   between technology and art.'
                                                                          Design Centre at Cambridge, on   Brian White
                                                                          computer animation systems and films,   [The address of South Hill Park arts
                                                                          Edward Ihnatowicz of University   centre is South Hill Park, Bracknell
                                                                          College, London, on dynamic and   RG4 PA.]
                                                                          interactive sculptures, and John
                                                                          Lansdown on the computer for dance
                                                                          and theatre. The last two lectures will
                                                                          be on automated electronic music, by   The 'Garage' enterprise
                                                                          Peter Zinovieff of Electronic Music
                                                                          Studios, and 'complex systems for art   The closure of Kasmin's Bond Street
                                                                          and life', by George Mallen of the   Gallery startled everyone but the
                                                                          Royal College of Art. 'Underlying all   greatest disappointment must have
                                                                          these different approaches and media',   been felt by his artists. Wishful-hoping
                                                                          says Sutcliffe, 'there are many aspects   for a new warehouse space languished
                                                                          in common in the use of computers.'   in a year of the new, snug, Clifford
                                                                          Common introductory courses should   Street outfit. Continual nudges from
                                                                          equip the artist, musician, etc., to work   his artists finally transpired when
                                                                          in his own sphere, hopefully using the   Terence Conran suggested a space. In
             Martin Naylor, one of  Five Chairs from which to view the World Site A
                                                                          computer as a creative partner, but   three months the Garage had opened.
                                                                          anyway able to save time on a project   Conran had arty connections; a
             A large symbolist show is being planned                      even if only concerned at that point   partnership with Kasmin in the Neal
                                           Computer Arts
             for 1976 by the Rotterdam Boymans-                           with realisation. A Stockhausen piece   Street Restaurant, where the head-
             van-Beuningen Museum; the works   If you're going to set up a computer   which originally took three months to   waiter, Charles, is the son of Robin
             will also be shown in Paris, Brussels   arts centre, it could either be in a field   make in a studio by normal methods,   Campbell, Director of the Arts Council
             and Baden-Baden.              or a technopolis. Achieving a kind of   was realised in one day using a   and Bernie Jacobson's print gallery was
                                           rural 1984-ish compromise, the new   computerised system. Animation in   housed underneath Conran's West-End
             The International Art Centre has   South Hill Park computer arts centre   particular can learn from this   showrooms. Conran had found the
             opened at 107/111 Newington Butts,   will be located in a technopolis   production-oriented experience.   perfect premises in Covent Garden,
             Elephant and Castle, London SE1.   standing where a field used to be — in   Sutcliffe sees the need for more   opposite his restaurant. It was
             (Tel: 01-703 0784). There is 10,000   the New Town of Bracknell, Berks.   development of art languages for   inspected and approved. Kasmin and
             square feet of exhibition space and a   Close neighbours include, to select a   computer programming — the writing,   Conran each invested £6,000. Dick
             theatre, studios etc. Wall space can be   random bunch, International   in a sense, of an (art language) to   Smith and Anthony Caro each gave
             hired for about 30p per week per   Computers, Sperry, Honeywell, Farranti   (computer language) dictionary.   £1,000. Howard Hodgkin was
             painting and the director, Kim Wall,   and the Met. Office computer centre.   'These languages are going to allow the   sympathetic but unable to join this
             seems very open to suggestions for the   Local industry is being asked for   physical realisation of the output   `kasmopolitan' crew because he is a
             use of the space.             computing equipment, to be housed in   without any drawing skill at all, and   Trustee of the Tate Gallery. Kasmin
                                           the converted mansion alongside   are going to allow — some already do —  persuaded David Hockney to provide
             Art of Systems in Latin America is at   already existing arts facilities. The   the easy implementation of   another £1,000 and the budget was
             the Institute of Contemporary Arts,   house was built in 1760 by William   compositional rules. When these two   rounded off at £16,000, by 'chipping
             London, in December; accompanying                            things are brought together, the artist   in' for the manager, Martin Attwood.
                                           Watts, and in its time has seen William
             it is a 'Latin American Week' from                           is moved away from the equipment,   Attwood had a Corsham, East Anglia
                                           Pitt, George Canning, various Earls of
             November 29 to December 5, with a
                                           Limerick and, astoundingly, the   he doesn't need to be so aware of it.   University and British Council pedigree.
             'Round Table on Art and Culture in                           What he needs to know is what the   He had known Kasmin and Smith for
                                           Margate Sea Bathing Hospital. A
             the Third World' (November 30 at
                                           programme of six weekly lectures on   language is, and I think on the whole   some time and he was amicably
             noon), theatrical events, films and
                                           computers in the arts began on 30   that's easier, certainly for some artists,   accepted by the other directors. Kasmin
             video tapes by 'Third World Editions
                                           September, while the equipment   than having to worry about ordinary   told Vogue, 'He is 30 years old and
             Co-operative', concerts, films by Latin   should be operating early next year.   programming languages and computer   our link with the 70s'. More
             American artists and a lecture by Jorge   A series of familiarisation courses for   equipment.   problematic was the choice of a gallery
             Glusberg.                     artists will lead into workshops, and   'The trouble with computer   secretary. Attwood suggested a
                                           the first results should be seen in March   languages is that no-one really knows   partnership with Tony Stokes. He was
             Arab oil paintings. A London dealer,   or April, during a week or more of   what artists want to do. It's hard   also an ex-Corsham student who had
             Roy Miles, has been retained by a   special events. I spoke to Alan Sutcliffe   enough to design languages for   worked for the Arnolfini Gallery in
             Middle East consortium to assemble an   of the Computer Arts Society, who is   engineers: with artists, it's nearly   Bristol and the Stuyvesant Foundation,
             Old Master collection over the next   one of the instigators of the scheme,   impossible ... whatever else is true,   before arriving in London as an
             three years. Among the first   and who gave the first lecture, on   there is no such thing as a universal   administrator and fund raiser for Max
             acquisitions reported are works by   computer graphics. 'When people see   general-purpose art language, there can   Gordon's ill-fated Kings Square
             Gainsborough, Stubbs and Casteels.   the first products of the set-up, we can   only be a more or less specialized one,   project. Kasmin and the board were
             Mr Miles is believed to have been asked   say, "well, this is only the beginning,   suitable for some thing for some people.  less enthusiastic. They wanted an
             by the consortium to avoid purchasing   here's what we'd really like to do", and   'One thing that puzzles me is that,   individual in command with whom
             through salerooms as far as possible.   hopefully we'll convince them that it's   given the quite large number of people   collectors could identify. They also
                                           not just a game or a pastime — I don't   interested in systems art, there's only a   felt that Stokes's 'energetic and
             The Musee du Luxembourg's current   like to say "serious", but an important   small number of people showing any   forceful personality', and his sympathies
             exhibition of paintings hung in the   business, which calls for very   degree of sophistication in the   with conceptualism, might cause
             Musee in 1874 at the same time as   sophisticated techniques.   application of computers to graphics.   problems. However, Attwood was
             Nadar was showing the 'Exposition des   `The six lectures, if I exclude my   I suppose the skills and abilities don't   insistent and equal salaries and almost
             Impressionistes' brings a reminder of   own, are all by people who have done   often come together in the same person.  equal responsibilities were agreed for
             the high prices brought by French   worthwhile things, and have got real   It's more often as a couple or a group.   him and Stokes.
             academic painters at the time, the same   practical experience. It's not going to   Ken Knowlton, the inventor of an art   Meanwhile Conran Associates
             painters whose works now begin to   be philosophical or theoretical, but   language called EXPLOR, must have   redesigned the space. Time was more
             pass through international salerooms   people talking about and showing the   co-authored more papers on graphics   crucial than money and the
             at re-inflated prices. For his The   kind of things they've done.'   and films than anyone else.'   transformation cost £9,000. The lease
             Emperor at SoIférino and the minute   In the first lecture, Stucliffe   How does he see the centre   was for 9 months, with a 50% chance
             The Emperor with his Etat-major   discussed computer graphics in terms   developing awareness of what can  be   of renewal, depending on GLC planning
             Meissonier received Fr. 50,000 in 1864.   of drawing a distinction between using   done? 'Well, there's a lot to be said for   for Covent Garden. If the lease was
             In 1873 Gerome was paid Fr. 20,000   a computer merely to realise an already   working as some kind of loosely   not renewed, they would probably be
             for his Cock fight (his Cairo carpet   wholly conceived design — as in the   connected group, where people can   rehoused or compensated, so there was
             merchant  was sold for £8,690 at Parke   well-known 'programmer's nude', a   learn from one another, simply because   no great risk with the property aspect
             Bernet this October). Fromentin's   reclining female figure drawn   artists are still very nervous of   of their investment. The Garage
             small-sized  La Curie cost the State   typographically by means of the   computers. As well as graphics, films   opened on the 6 November 1973 with
              Fr 7,000 in 1863, and Giraud's Devisa   computer's teletype output — and the   and so on, we hope to have, eventually,   a respectable exhibition of new
             the same sum in 1869, while Feyen's   more interesting case whereby the   the means for controlling electronic   paintings by Dick Smith. Kas swung
             Harvesters of the sea cost Fr 10,000 in   programme contains the whole   music equipment, interactive sculpture,   the publicity machine into action:
             1872. All were bought by the State,   composing process, the aim being to   light systems, in fact any dynamic   Covent Garden was to become
             at prices somewhat below prevailing   see what kind of work will emerge   equipment anyone may care to build.   London's downtown, like Soho in New
             market prices. (For a comparison with   from this algorithm or set of rules.   'I think it's very important to see   York. Again in Vogue, he said,
             present French francs, multiply by 10.)   The conception is of a procedure,   the use of computers in art not as very   'hopefully we'll attract the fringe
             Compiled by Paul Martin       not a design.                 separate from what else is going on in    galleries — Lisson and Nigel
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