Page 13 - Studio International - January February 1975
P. 13

Robyn Denny
         And in their highest forms the two   become, in ours, celebrated as a certain
         blended together in such perfect unity   fact. As specialized interests clamour for   manifestations relate to each other — the
         that succeeding generations marvel at the   attention, the focus of art has blurred, its   network of systems through which they
         wonder of it.                       function neutralized, its dispersal a   correspond and interact upon the
           As I pondered on what to say in the   condition accepted as the norm. No   sensibilities of the state, shifting its focus,
         first of these series of William Townsend   longer part of a unified humanistic   changing its direction, making
         Memorial lectures, I was aware that   culture, it has become many other things   connections between things assumed
         lurking on the edge of my consciousness   instead — institutionalized, contained,   unconnectable — which are the objects of
         through all my conscious time as an   isolated, protected, patronized, rejected,   art. And the recognition that this aim can
         artist was an equation that doesn't work   or whatever responses the state and its   only be realized through some
         out. That the individual plus the state no   institutions have made to the cultural   rearrangement of the traditional equation
         longer equals art in a natural connection.   eruptions of the last one hundred and   that I spoke of, imposes upon the artist in
         And that the utopian view of art was   fifty years.                      our society a special burden of
         perhaps unrealizable in a state that   But art cannot thrive in subjugation to   responsibility that cannot be avoided.
         assigns to art a status so separate from its   the separate life of the state. Nor its own   Indeed upon all those who make claims
         central aims. The utopian view of the   life prolonged beyond its natural span in   for art and work within its sphere. To
         function of art is one where it is nothing   a kind of limbo of detachment. Though   construct in the empty space that separates
         in itself, and can only thrive in a unified   originating in the consciousness of each   them a kind of dynamic — an animated
         relation of its inner life and that of the   individual, art acquires significance only   flow — whose vibrations are felt by all
         external world; that the function of art is   to the extent of its integration in the   those who pass between. For in that
         not simply to take the bits and pieces of an   general culture, as a social factor. The   space is art, each separate event like a
         imperfect world and assemble them   will of the individual and that of the   transmitter, bouncing signals from one
         together in some agreeable          community replenishing each other,   space to the next.
         correspondence to the Tolstoyan ideal,   shrinking the boundaries of time and   As a child I had the habit, when
         but rather it is to nave in mind a constant   place, defining the space which separates   leaving a place that I liked, of leaving
         goal of integration.                them.                                there something of myself. A coin, a
           The reconciliation assumed, in our   This legacy of alienation has been the   piece of paper, something from my
         culture, from the advance of knowledge   subject of much discussion, and   pocket concealed where no one else
         and the access this gives us to its history,   impinges heavily on the state of art in our   would find it. A crack in a wall, a hole in a
         its institutions, its global aspirations, has   time. It has become to some extent the   tree, or buried in a tin. I can remember
         yielded a paradox: in the global village   subject of art itself, renewing its systems   the places now, and going back, if they
         each man is an island. Its territory   from its systems. Redefining itself from   were still there, could find them without
         sacred, its integrity cherished, its   itself. But the aim of reconciliation   difficulty. The present and the future
         separateness a celebration in itself. The   becoming real in the future cannot be   blended in my mind for a moment in that
         alienation of art from the central aims of   realized by introspection and detachment,   act — the space between a kind of
         the state, gathering momentum       each separate manifestation exclusive and   sculpture out of time. For me, in art,
         throughout the nineteenth century, has    self-replenishing. It is the way these    each work has some meaning of that
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