Page 15 - Studio International - January February 1975
P. 15

of English artists, the effeminacy of their   Old traditions were being seriously   systems it uses for communicating one to
         art. The pessimistic, sceptical and narrow   examined and rejected, rules seemed to be   the other have shifted around, re-defining
         views of the English public, who prefer   broken. Art was twitching to life under   themselves in a hierarchy of values
         the pretty-pretty, the commonplace, the   the pressure and observation of outside   subject to a continuous ebb and flow. I
         soft, sweet and mediocre .. . the perverted   events. A new kind of orientation   hope the writer will forgive me for
         snob who ignores all English originality   appeared to lie ahead, which would be the   quoting from a personal letter of ten
         and daring, but welcomes eagerly all   cue for a creative leap into the future.. .   years ago. But this year he too defined the
         foreign .. . The indifference of the king,   What really happened is part of history,   state of art in this country now. In the
         the state and politician towards all arts.   and it is against the burden of this history   exhibition at the Hayward gallery just
         The English notion that art is a useless   that we are in the process of reacting   closed — 'British Painting 74'.
         pastime, that artists are poor deluded   again. It is clear that nothing really   What did it tell us of our art and
         fools to be pitied and protected, and art a   happened because we lacked the insight   aspirations ? Of territory gained and
         ridiculous complaint, a topic of table   to formulate a hypothesis of what art is   lessons learned ? Nothing. Except
         talk...' Complaining of the sentimentality   really about. We look back, and realize   perhaps to confirm that when our affairs
         of our pictures, they ended with a call for   there is nothing to be thankful for, no   are in the hands of our friends we have
         an English art 'that is strong, virile and   kind of morality to guide us, no   little need of enemies. The manner of
         unsentimental'. The futurists had first   discipline to learn from, no tradition to be   organization held true to the tradition so
         exhibited here two years earlier, and in   protected. Just an account of self-  dear to the heart of the art establishment:
         the same year the vorticists were founded.   deception, complacency, compromise and   the minimum of commitment shrouded
         The Camden Town group was formed,   defeat, and we reject these things and say   in the maximum dispersal of
         and The London Group inaugurated.   it could never happen again. Or could it ?'   responsibility. The whole idea indeed so
         Three Kandinsky exhibitions were held   I asked.3                       utterly in conflict with the spirit of
         around that time, and Roger Fry staged   Well has it ? I received a letter after   accord we seemed, to my delight, to share
         the first post-impressionist exhibition in   that article was published which said: 'I   for a moment ten years before, that the
          London, provoking charges against him,   think your attack on the English scene is   events, not just of those years, but of the
         it is difficult to believe it now, of anarchy   absolutely just, and things are not so   previous five decades, might never have
         and insanity. For a few short years in   different for all the talk. I think your   occurred. A kind of symmetry restoring
          London the traditionally uncritical   piece is the first positive art criticism I   the status quo — the soft centre — that
         acceptance of inherited values was   have read here in the last ten years. I mean   there had been so much hope of firming
         disturbed and upset, and the Marinetti   positive in the sense that it is not   fifty years before, and sometimes in
         manifesto found an echo as a new    congratulatory, but is at the same time   between.
         awareness, a new discipline was seeping   tonic and extremely useful, and written   It is only a small incident. I mention it
         into English art. We know the history   not from a position of satisfied   as a kind of memento mori. It symbolizes
         well, and in an article in 1964 I drew a   eclecticism, but from an extremely   the unacceptable face of the state of art
          parallel between the state of art in   precise and didactic one'.      that lurks still within the systems here.
          England at that time and the period fifty   A decade has passed since. During that   Not expelled from our consciousness for
          years before.                      time the fabric of the art world, its   ever, as we might hopefully have
           In summarizing it, I said: 'That   institutions, its personalities and its   assumed with insight of ourselves. But
          period was the one phase of English   premises have changed. Its relationship   with us still — a kind of destiny fulfilling
          painting which parallels the present time.    with itself and the external world, and the    itself through succeeding generations.

         His Majesty the King Emperor Vittorio Emanuele III (centre) with F. T. Marinetti (right)

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