Page 14 - Studio International - January February 1975
P. 14

Hampton Court Maze
       order too. Each piece a mark in space, a   premises — are determined by the flow   us ? Its context and its institutions ? Are
       moment preserved, a thought enclosed in   between them. In China, as we know, in   we in fact still a kind of village culture
       time. Thus whatever their function as   ancient times, Emperors sought   within whose repose there rests a natural
       separate things, wherever they are   distinction in art, poetry, and writing.   life for art, along with everything else,
       located in this time or another, their role   And for thirteen hundred years success at   with its own momentum, its own inner
       is only properly realized if the psychic   the literary examinations was the only   life ? Complacency may sometimes lull
       link between them remains intact. For   way to official position. Scholarship — the   one into thinking so. Or are we a culture
       that is where the art lies, not in the things   creative intellect — were honoured above   so in conflict with itself, so utterly
       themselves.                        all things in a society whose scale of   disrupted by factors beyond the reach of
         Thus in thinking of the subject of this   values has no exact equivalent elsewhere.   art, that there is no life for it other than
       lecture, I was conscious of having always   In Russia, on the other hand, in the early   as the instrument or the victim of the
       held a view of art that aims for something   period of the revolution, intellectuals and   state ? That is sometimes how it seems.
       more than just unity within the confines   artists were harassed, tried and purged.   Is not everyone an artist, and a quirk of
       of each work. An instinct for something   Lenin advised Gorky' not to 'waste his   our specialized society assigning that role
       difficult to pin down — more difficult to   energy whimpering over rotten   only to those who submit to its
       explain. But where the making of   intellectuals', his mockery and contempt   institutionalized status — its role
       separate things is just a part. Where the   becoming absorbed into the flow of   circumscribed, its reach foreshortened,
       real problems are not only formalist ones   everyday life, even in the end accepted   the possibility of threat contained ? The
       within an ephemeral framework of   by those who were his victims.       questions asked, the problems they
       aesthetics. Rather the form is just the   Two cultures. In one a kind of union   embody in the context of our wider
       means whereby the artist shows his hand—  of the inner and outer worlds, which   culture. The way we live out the urge we
       declares his interest. Matching, with a   embraced the belief that man is only part   sometimes share to ensure for art a
       kind of shorthand, a symbolic language   of a universal order, to which all must   context, a role more substantial than an
       that's constantly re-invented— his inner   conform as a price of their survival.   ephemeral and decorative adjunct to its
       responses to an outer state, and putting it   Survival, in the other, depending on   time which sometimes it seems in peril of
       into some kind of order for himself. For   conformity to the political will of the   becoming, that is our state of art and
       unity within that space defined by marks   state. One in which the belief that the   central to our culture — the way it is
       and moments of time. For an art that is a   creative intellect, if not an instrument of   defined.
       social factor — even a means for change —  the state, must by necessity be a threat,
       above all for a context.           became so deeply engrained that four   In the summer of 1914 the famous
                                          decades later, after the Hungarian   manifesto of Nevinson and Marinetti was
         Within the arteries of any state there   revolution of 1956, Kruschev is reported'    published in The Times, the Observer and
       is a network of factors — institutions,   to have complained that if only they'd   the Daily Mail, declaring war on the
       states of mind — which shape the condition   shot ten writers at the right time there   state of art in England then. The battle
       of art in its own time, governing the   would not have been an uprising.   to be fought was against the 'worship of
       relation between art and the state. The   Two cultures. Repose and continuity —  tradition and the conservatism of
       status of art — its social role and its moral   conflict and change. What of ours and    academies, the commercial acquiesence
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