Page 32 - Studio International - January February 1975
P. 32

`aphorism' associated with the later   Duchamp certainly followed the same   . . . Automatic writing was, above all,
       Wittgenstein. It is stated that in a note —  route as Picasso in old age, succumbing to   destruction of subjectivity . . . But the
       dated on the back 1913 — Duchamp had   eroticism. I personally find this sad. ED   Surrealist's second step was to destroy
       posed himself the question: `Can one   seems also to lack the quality of 'Norman'   objectivity in turn . . . We are given a
       make works which are not works of Art ?'9   humour (Satie and Alphonse Allais were   first draft of this procedure in the
       It is then the latter note which we should   also fellow Normans). However, I know   false pieces of sugar which Duchamp
       ponder, with its Cartesian feeling, and   of life-long intimate friends of Duchamp   actually made in marble and which
       not the response elicited by someone   who nevertheless regard ED as primarily   suddenly revealed themselves as having
       asking what the Large Glass was all   an elaborate hoax on the art-loving public !   an unexpected weight. The visitor
       about . . . as if Duchamp had not given   Duchamp was much preoccupied by   weighed them in his hand, was
       sufficient evidence already, or at least in   the fear of artistic sterility and repetition.   supposed to feel, in a blazing and
       due course.                         He accused Picasso of being an onanistic   instantaneous illumination, the self-
         In the publication Art of This    painter, and of course Dr Schwarz has   destruction of the objective essence of
       Century (a catalogue of the Peggy   said as much of Duchamp himself.      sugar.
       Guggenheim collection) there appears a   One might suppose that in his book   . . . What appears to me essential in
       compelling quotation from Duchamp's   `Erotic Art of the West' Robert Melville   Surrealist activity is the descent of the
       sculptor brother Raymond Duchamp-   would have written enthusiastically upon   negative spirit into work sceptical
       Villon. It is undated and runs : 'The work   Etant Donn& but he doesn't even mention   negativity becomes concrete, Duchamp's
       of art to be accomplished should be a   it. The short description of the Large   pieces of sugar as well as the fox table
       bond between the external and the ego   Glass reads . . was devoted to the   are works, that is concrete and
       and a natural penetration of the one by   emblematical representation of nine   painstaking destruction of what
       the other (it can no longer be the object   masturbators aiming their ejaculations in   scepticism destroys only in words' • "
       itself, nor can it be the ego exclusively, it   the general direction of a woman and
       must be a creation)'.               deliberately missing'10.
         Since he died in 1918 it seems possible   My point is that Duchamp had a   Why not Sneeze Rose Selavy ? 1921
        that Duchamp-Villon could well have   touching narcissistic attitude to his
       written this before 1914 and in doing so   creations — his `children' — and this is
       was responding to Duchamp's question,   manifest in so many features of his
       although not a direct answer. It can be   artistic output. It must have indeed
        argued that Duchamp in fact set about   flattered him that independently two
        testing his notion, notably with the   artists set out on the task of 're-creating'
       perpetration of 'ready-mades', the   the Large Glass, first the Swede Ulf Linde
        earliest of which was The Bicycle Wheel   and then our own Richard Hamilton.
        dating from 1913.                     It is no surprise or paradox to see how
          I cannot count myself amongst the   Duchamp was attracted in equal measure
        truly faithful admirers of Duchamp. I am   to the banal and to the 'hermetic'. In
        something of a heretic; my response to the   feudal times the use of the Lord of the
        works I admire is almost wholly     Manor's mill was compulsory for all
        `formalistic' and this could be compared   tenants — it was known as the banal mill
        to enjoying religious art for its aesthetic   and the phrase has given us banal and run   ' Richard Hamilton, introduction to the Tate
        values while totally rejecting the religious   of the mill. The Coffee Grinder and   Gallery exhibition, 'The Almost Complete
        imperatives.                        Chocolate Mills are amongst the most   Works of Marcel Duchamp'. London 1966.
          A crucial issue is that of Etant   attractive of all Duchamp's canvases;   John Golding: `Duchamp: The Bride
        Donner: I do not take this work seriously   indeed the recently shown Study for   Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even'. Art in
        as do his most ardent admirers, who in   Chocolate Grinder No. 2 of 1914   Context. Allen Lane The Penguin Press
        consequence greatly value all the   (Kunststammlung Norden — Westfalen,   1973.
                                                                                 Art News April 1974.
        preparatory `studies' that lead up to this   Dusseldorf), recently exhibited at the Tate   * Water writes always in * plural
        work. For me, and perhaps many others,   Gallery, is such a sensuous painting that   Marcel Duchamp, MOMA., Philadelphia
        the Second World War is the `break' after   many people were stopped in their tracks   Museum of Art. Ed. d'Harnancourt &
        which I sense a complete change and a   on seeing it. Never again was Duchamp   McShine, 1973.
        great deterioration ... a genuine tiredness.   to exhibit this non-erotic sensuality in a   'Art News & Review October 1959.
        ED is the kind of thing Duchamp can be   work. So it is no paradox either to find   6  Arturo Schwarz 'The Complete Works of
        excused for choosing as a means of   the 'retinal' in this anti-retinal artist,   Marcel Duchamp'. Thames& Hudson1969.
        passing the time. I admire a number of   rationality in this champion of the   Golding ibid.
                                                                                8  Golding ibid.
        the contingent features of the work, the   irrational, and that Duchamp the   9'A L'Infinitif' 1967.
        `legislative' aspects (the restriction   iconoclast was a Duchampian icon maker,   1° Robert Melville: 'Erotic Art of The West'.
        against reproduction), the idea of keeping   ED being by far the most generous   Weidenfeld & Nicholson 1973.
        it a secret and best of all — if it is fair to   offering in that direction, although in no   " 'What is Literature: The situation of the
        mention it — the judicious timing of his   sense a real rival to the 'stained glasses'   writer in 1947. Gallimard 1948. The English
        retirement from life in connection with   that really are his masterpieces.   translation is by Bernard Frechtman and
        its premiere. But it remains in conception   I have expressed my own view that after   published in England by Methuen in 195o.
        a banal affair, a peep-hole tableau; Ralph   the Second World War Duchamp could
        Rumney has remarked that it would be a   well have retired, in the sense that he
        great commercial success if marketed   was always supposed to have done, and
        (by Schwarz( in a handy-sized multiple   that Etant Donn& is for me a
        version. It must have come as quite a   disappointment. However, as against this
        surprise to Segal when he discovered   I believe that Duchamp's activities in the
        what was to be seen through the peep   field of `artistic philosopher' — if that is
        holes in that colossal Spanish door ! ED   the best term — make up for any
        has no residue of the earlier Duchamp,   disappointment, Duchamp emerged as
        the eroticism is so unbelievably blatant.   one of the most challenging minds of his
        There is a character in one of Celine's   time. I would like to conclude these lines
        novels who declares that the only things   with a quotation from Sartre which I
        of importance in life are the penis and   discovered in 195o and copied out:
        mathematics — everything else counts for   `The Surrealists took a hearty dislike to
        nothing. It is a strange and no doubt   that humble certainty on which the
        comical utterance and yet it echoes   stoic based his ethics . . . Any means
        Nietzsche when he wrote : 'All human   were good for escaping consciousness
        knowledge is either experience or     of self and consequently of one's
        mathematics.'                         situation in the world.
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