Page 34 - Studio International - January February 1975
P. 34

Q  'You say he was not Dadaist as a   characteristic of Duchamp and I liked it   empty squares on the board which are
       chess player . . . but was he an     better than Picabia and Tzara, though I   apparently unrelated. •
       innovator ?'                         admire them both much more than
             'Absolutely not. He applied
       FLL 	                                Breton who seems to me to be lost in the   Bourbaki is a collective pseudonym or
       absolutely classic principles, he was   mists of the bourgeoisie. Duchamp seems   nom de plume for a société anonyme of
       strong on theory - he'd studied chess   to me to represent a tendency to combine   famous French mathematicians formed
       theory in books. He was very conformist   what I might call a simulation made with   before the Second World War.
       which is an excellent way of playing. in   scientific methods but applied to an area   Ou Li Po stands for Ouvroir de la Littérature
       chess conformism is much better than   which is not science. 'The same thing   Potentielle, a group which included Le
       anarchy unless you are Nimzovitch, a   might be said to some extent of Raymond   Lionnais, Perec and Raymond Queneau, the
       genius. If one is Einstein one says the   Roussel.'                      aim of which was to explore techniques
                                                                                and methods of creating literature.
                                               'Did Duchamp show any interest in
        opposite to Newton of course, if one is   Q
        Galileo one contradicts everyone. But   recent forms like kinetic art which seem
        otherwise it's safer to be a conformist.'   to start from a scientific approach ?'
        Q  'What exactly was Marcel Duchamp's   FLL 	                           Francois Alexandre Le Lionnais, born in
                                                 'Well we hardly mentioned them;
        attitude to mathematics and         of course there were his rotodiscs which   Paris in 1901, has been, among other
        science ?'                          were a step towards kinetic art. But more   things, a construction engineer working
             'Well, he showed interest in our
       FLL 	                                and more when we met, in his last years   on telephone cables, chief engineer at the
        conversation. He liked talking to people   especially, it was not to talk about art,   French Ministry of Works, director of
        with a scientific background, and he   but about chess. He was much more   general studies at the École Supérieure
        asked them questions; he talked about   interested in chess. I greatly admired the   de Guerre, head of the Education and
        mathematics. But until the end of his life   book he wrote with Halberstad, "Les   Science Department at Unesco,
        he was stuck at Henri Poincaré - I   Cases conjuguées et l'opposition   scientific adviser to the new Larousse
        managed to change his ideas quite a lot   reconciliées". That is really in the   dictionary, a member of the scientific
        towards the end of his life. He had read a   scientific spirit, not at an extremely high   committee of Radiodiffusion Television
        lot of books - not mathematical texts   level but authentically scientific. And in   Française, and scientific consultant in the
        which he would have been unable to   it he takes chess a step forward . . . a very   French section at the Montreal World
        understand, but .. . philosophical   clear step forward in a limited domain,   Exhibition. He is also an adviser to the
        works . .                           but definitely a step forward.'     French national commission at
        Q  'Popular science . . . ?'       Q 	                                  Unesco, and a member of the
                                               'Could you amplify that ?'
        FLL  'That's it, for instance "Science   FLL 	                          committee for the restoration of works of
                                                 'A game of chess is normally
        and Theory". That is the philosophical   considered as being in three parts. The   art in French national museums. He is the
        musings of a great mathematician, which   opening, the middle-game and the end-  author of many scientific books, has
        combine philosophical and mathematical   game. The opening involves a kind of   written many articles, and is a contributor
        qualities. This influenced him a lot. And   thought process which no longer occurs   to L'Encyclopédie Française. His books
        then when we ran into each other I   as the game proceeds . . . the pawns can   on chess are well known, and include
        surprised him by saying (and I have no   advance one or two squares at the   `Le Jardin des Échecs' and the
        idea what influence this may have had)   beginning but cannot retreat. And that is   `Dictionnaire des Échecs'. He is at
        "Poincaré - he's completely out of date".   what is behind opening theory. In end-  present working on two books, a
        That surprised him, shocked him. And I   game theory, because many pieces have   `Dictionnaire des Sciences' and an
        talked to him about Bourbaki, who was   disappeared, often one can only hope to   `Anthologie des Nombres Remarquables'.
        very modern at the time. Because I was   win by transforming a pawn into a
        involved with the Bourbaki movement   Queen. The theory of the middle game is
        from its origins just like Dada . . . In my   another kettle of fish. Well his
        own work Dada was at the origin of   contribution occurs within a particular   Paris 1932
        things like Le 3ème Secteur and    area of general end-game theory. It
        Bourbaki gave rise to OuLiPo - with a lot   sometimes happens that there are no   M. Duchamp
        of free interpretation of course. And when   `pieces' (Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight)
        I spoke of Bourbaki to him he was very   left on the board except the two Kings         V
        interested, and then I remember saying,   and a certain number of pawns. If one of
        towards the end of his life, "Bourbaki's   the pawns can get through to the other   F. Le Lionnais
        finished, it's out of date", and he seemed   side and become a Queen that's the end of
        to be pleased that things had moved on.   the game But pawns block one another,   The commentaries on this
        Then I would talk to him about Claude   and sometimes when there are a lot of      game are by
        Berge, set theory and so on.'      pawns on the board the whole position is
        Q 	                                frozen In that case the only possibility is   S. Tartacover
           'Would you agree that in much of
        Duchamp's work . . . the collections of   for the King to manoeuvre round the
        documents, "Les moules maliques" and so   pawns, and take his opponent's pawns so
        on, there is a quasi or pseudo scientific   as to get one of his pawns through. The
                                                                                                   P - QB4
        approach ?'                        theory is very difficult. We had a          r.  P - QB4
        FLL  'Yes, even pseudo and quasi . . .   sixteenth- or seventeenth-century theory   The symmetric treatment.
                                                                                                   Kt - QB3
        that is there is always the margin of error   called the theory of opposition but   2. Kt - QB3
        which an artist can't avoid because his   nothing else. Now since the two Kings   3. P - KKt3
        culture is inadequate, and at the same   can move on to a number of squares   Instead of this complex system devised by
        time a quality of vision which gets him   without any apparent danger, why is it   Brême, the lively opening of the centre by
        through somehow. It's probably     that in the solution to a problem    3. Kt - KB3 followed by 4. P - Q4 is also
        something like love where one finds   Reichelm was able to show that if the   readily used.
        something by other methods than pure   White King moved to a certain square at   3.... 	P - KKt3!
        reason.'                           one end of the board he obliged the Black   4. B - KKt2 	B - KKt2
        Q  'It seems to me that the extremely   King to make a certain move ? It's as   5. P - Q3
                                                                                                 P - Q3
        conformist style of Duchamp's chess   though there were a sort of telepathy   6.  P- K4
        which you describe has parallels in   between the squares ! And what     An important decision. 6. Kt - KB3
        everything he did, and that perhaps   Halberstad and Duchamp perfected was   Kt - KB3 ; 7. o-o o-o etc. is more usual
        instead of looking for evidence of Dada in   the theory of this relationship between   (and safer) but White would like to branch off
                                                                                into the Desde formation (characterized by
        the way he played chess we should be   squares which have no apparent   the structure of the pawns QB4, Q3, K4 and
        looking for aspects of this conformism in   connection, Les Cases conjugées, which   possibly KB4 as well. P - KB4 should be
        his most anti-conformist actions ?'   was a sort of theory of structures of the   given consideration here.
        FLL 	'I quite agree. In fact I have said   board. That is to say because the pawns   6....
                                                                                                 P - KB4
        so. This serious appliqué side of Duchamp   are in a certain relationship one can   A considerable innovation which should
        shows up everywhere. I regard it as    perceive invisible connections between    give Black counterplay on the 'KB' file,
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