Page 74 - Studio International - January February 1975
P. 74

Second British International   Japanese, for all their mimetic   Suntory doesn't only make   that Tokyo Central Station was
     Drawing Biennale. Open to all   skill, will never truly understand   whisky. They also produce Vino   built as a close replica of
     artists. Prizes include 2 months'   Western art and that it is perhaps   Rosso, pastis, vin blanc,   Amsterdam's railway terminus.
     exhibition of selected works and   better that way.    vermouth, cointreau and cherry   The second building of the
     £2,000 to be shared. Write:   More, less substantial, evidence   brandy. Thinking of Eskimoes   National Museum contains the
     Biennale, Cleveland County and   is provided by the Museum of   and refrigerators, I jokingly asked   Japanese collection and perfectly
     Leisure and Amenities, Gurney   Western Art, a hopelessly and   if Suntory also sold vodka to the   reflects the ideology of the 1930s:
     House, Middlesbrough,      helplessly lit Corbusier building   Russians. 'Oh yes', said the   it looks like part of a set for Chu
     Cleveland, England.         in Ueno Park, Tokyo, not far   director, 'Suntory sells more   Chin Chow as designed by Albert
     Winsor and Newton Award. New   from the National Museum itself.   vodka to the Russians than it does   Speer. The third building, for the
     award open to final year    The Corbusier (strange how a   to the Americans.' The evasive   rest of the Oriental collection, is
     undergraduate students in GB.   lionized architect has never been   answer did not conceal the fact   much more recent and shows the
     Prizes £750, £250, £100. Write:   able to design a great museum)   that exhibitions and other   renewed interest in what is
     Michael Lazarus, Richmond   contains the sad remains of the   cultural events aid and assist the   happening on the other side of
     Towers Public Relations Ltd,   collection of Impressionism and   company's business drive.   the Pacific and in Europe. It is a
     1 Bloomsbury St., London   Post-impressionism assembled by   The cultural activities of private   glass, concrete and steel building
     WC1B 3QG.                   Kojiro Matsukata during and   companies are the more important   which might be found in any
     Association of Art Historians:   after the First World War.   in view of the lack of state   country in the world.
     Formed in 1974, it welcomes the   Matsukata, the head of a large   patronage. True, craftsmen,   It is such cultural confusion
     individual membership of all   shipbuilding company, was   actors, puppeteers, painters and   which remains uppermost in the
     those directly concerned in   living in London in 1915 and   writers are sometimes proclaimed   memory and it remains there in
     Britain with the advancement of   made up his mind to collect   'Living National Treasures' and   the form of fragmentary images:
     the study of the History of Art.   modern Western art with a view   given a pension of about £2,000 a   a bearded Japanese singer in a tv
     A conference will be held annually   to exhibiting it in a special   year. True, the Japanese   spectacular show doing a
     in the Spring. For further   museum in Japan. He bought   Government stages exhibitions,   passable imitation of Johnny
     information please write to The   nearly 10,000 works, many of   usually in the USA, at some   Mathis singing 'Moon River' and
     Honorary Secretary, Assoc. of Art   which were dispersed during the   expense. But it is significant that   then changing abruptly to give us
     Historians, c/o Courtauld   1929 economic crisis. Most of the   Culture does not merit a ministry   `Bridge Over Troubled Water' in
     Institute, 20 Portman Square,   remainder was stored in France   itself, is looked after by   the voice of Paul Simon. A fibre-
     London W1V OBE. Annual subs   awaiting shipment to the special   Education. It is also significant   glass, working model of the Trevi
     are presently £3.00 for Ordinary   museum which had still not been   that almost all of the important   fountain in the Shimbashi district
     members and 50p for students.   built. Japan declared war, lost it   exhibitions are sponsored and   of Tokyo, looking for all the
                                and the Matsukata collection was   even researched by newspapers   world like a permanent fixture. A
                                given to France under the terms   and staged in the large art   garbage truck announcing its
            Japan               of the 1951 San Francisco Peace   galleries of the big department   arrival in a street by playing a tape
                                                            stores on the Tokyo Ginza.
                                Treaty. Soon after, the French
                                                                                        of a musical box rendering 'A
                                handed it back to Japan.      A prominent museum man in   Maiden's Prayer'. A slot machine
                                  They knew what they were   Kyoto told me that were it not   showing a blue movie (they're
      Schizoid traits are evident in   doing. The generally poor quality   for these special shows, paid for   called pink here, by the way) on a
     the visual arts in Japan and   of these 417 items means that they   by newspapers and advertised on   landing of a ryokan, a traditional
     especially so in the National   can be compared with very few   the TV stations they own, few   Japanese inn. But all is not
     Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo.   similar things in French   people would come to look at the   necessarily what it seems. Often
     On show is the work only of   collections. They would have   permanent collections. A visit to   in Tokyo you will see a tiny,
     Japanese artists (the Museum of   filled no gaps and their return was   the National Museum in Tokyo   castle-like building, complete
     Western Art is elsewhere) which   good propaganda. The museum   confirmed this surprising view.   with turrets and towers which
     is divided into groups of `Western   is dominated by a large number of   A long group of serge-uniformed   could have come from a mountain
     Style' and `Japanese Style' — in   Rodin casts and contains two   schoolchildren emphasized the   on the Rhine were it not for the
     Japanese the terms are these   Cezanne watercolours, a Monet   emptiness of the place.   strings of fairy lights which hang
     English ones. The 'Western   Nympheas, a drab Gauguin, a   Meanwhile, back at the municipal   across its facade and the spiky
     Style' paintings are at once   poor Van Gogh and a number of   museum 200 yards away, people   palms which grow from its
     impressive and hilarious, for   nondescript paintings from the   were queueing for the privilege of   battlements. These buildings are
     although almost all are pastiches   Delacroix to Picasso period.   paying almost a pound for a show   not follies but short-time hotels
     of famous styles, they are   Where, then, are all those   of purely transitory quality.   which sell privacy to couples
     breathtakingly brilliant pastiches:   masterpieces which, as we never   But the National Museum is a   frustrated by the constant
     the Barker pens, Bridgestone   cease to hear and read, are being   disappointment in any case. The   proximity of others in this
     Tyres and Sister sewing machines   bought up and shipped out   Japanese word 'collection' is a   overcrowded city.
     of modernist painting. Before   wholesale and daily from the   borrowing from English: in other   Enough of  Kultur; back to
     the war most Japanese painters   auction rooms of Europe and   words the concept came in with   culture. The deep involvement of
     went either to Paris or London.   America? Most of them (if the   all the other Western ideas after   the big department stores and the
     All eyes are now directed to New   rumours are true) are in private   1868 and after most of the best   larger newspapers in the cultural
     York and Los Angeles, although,   collections. Many of them are in   things — even Japanese — had gone   life of Japan is unique. The
     as far as this museum is concerned,   private museums.   to the colonial nations. The   reputation of private dealers in
     modern painting ends with    The private museum is a very   National Museum is also the   Tokyo has recently been damaged
     Japanese versions of Pollock and   Japanese institution. There are   worst lit and worst designed   by allegations of profiteering and
     De Kooning.                 several of them in Tokyo, each   museum of its size I have ever   sharp practice. It is therefore not
       The Western-style section is   founded and funded by a large   visited. Pictures, furniture,   surprising that the opulent
     ultimately depressing. The   company. The one with the best   kimonos, screens stand in what   galleries in the department stores
     Japanese-style works provide, on   collection of Western art is the   seem to be like department store   (where you can buy anything from
     the other hand, a welcome relief   Suntory Museum which grew   windows running the length of   an ukiyoe woodcut to an oil
     from the thick syrupy mixture of   from a nucleus assembled by the   each room. They are dimly lit,   painting by Monet) have
     styles so international that you   company's first president. The   but not as dimly as the room itself.   flourished. The stores, after all,
     see them in all shapes and sizes   Suntory Museum also owns a   Viewing them is like window   are above the kind of activities for
     and range from bad to dreadful   small number of impressionist   shopping on a bank holiday in the   which private dealers are known.
     on the walls of galleries from Rio   works, although it concentrates on   rain. No Photographing, read the   More surprising are the special
     to Bombay. These Japanese-style   Japanese art. It is situated on the   notices around every corner. No   exhibitions which the stores stage
     paintings are on screens, scrolls or   ninth floor of the annexe to the   Writing With Fountain Pens Lest   and to which they often devote an
     hanging kakemonos and treat the   Palace Hotel, a strange location   The Works Be Damaged ! No   entire floor. For these exhibitions
     same subjects which these forms   for a museum but easily explained   Smoking, No Making of Bonfires.   are anything but a free come-on.
     have always done: trees, flowers,   by the fact that the president of   The architecture of the National   They often cost as much as a
     birds and even portraits on   the liquor company was also on   Museum tells the story of modern   pound a ticket and are packed
     screens, panoramic landscapes on   the board of the hotel when he   Japan in miniature. It consists of   from opening to closing time.
     scrolls so long that you can only   decided that a museum might be a   three distinct buildings around   While I was there Mitsukoshi
     see one small part of them at a   nice idea.            three sides of a rectangle. The   offered traditional Chinese
     time, and legendary battles and   It is more than a nice idea, It is   oldest, which houses the   handicrafts of Ming and Ch'ing
     portraits painted on silk   also good business. In the   archaeological collection, looks   dynasties, while Seibu in another
     kakemonos. Groundless perhaps,   director's office a poster   like an Italian Renaissance   district offered paintings by
     inexplicable certainly, but the   proclaimed that treasures from   palazzo and was built during the   Friedrich Schroeder-Sonnenstern
     Tokyo Museum of Modern Art   Suntory Museum were at that   first phase of the infatuation with   and a large Matisse and Fauvism
     leaves me with the feeling that the    moment on show in Moscow.    the West, during the same period   show.
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