Page 75 - Studio International - January February 1975
P. 75

The Chinese and Matisse   and the gestures could sustain a   maintained that our Gallic   to put our logic into the fabric
        exhibitions had been organized   performance of five hours   colleagues have fallen under very   of our argument; the Paris critic
        and paid for by newspapers, and   duration.             strange spells and that their   puts it into the hardware of
        it was to interview the president   The sets and the actors (all the   writing is inspired by nebulous   existence - which happens to be
        of one of these papers for the art   women's parts are played by men,   concepts concerning elusive   the company he keeps. His
        gallery magazine that I had come   by the way) remind one constantly   metaphysical concepts. Over   position and his power depend
        to Japan in the first place.   of the subjects of the ukiyoe   there the commentator concerns   on the artists he has in tow; or, to
        Although this man, Jiro Enjoji, is   woodblock prints, and of course   himself with what art ought to be   put it more politely, who comprise
        an important government     the two forms are intimately   and what art ought to do; not   his following. Second rate critics
        economic adviser and editor-in-  connected. Both were the   with objective realities. Most of   resign themselves to the fact that
        chief of Japan's most important   cultural expressions of the   the time the critic disregards the   artists use them as intermediate
        financial daily, the Nihon Keizei   merchant class which, although   actual evidence before the   stops along the broken route which
        Shimbun, his major interest is   rich, was trapped by the rigid   observer's eyes. There are, of   turns into a career. An Otto
        putting together spectacular art   feudal system and was not   course, very good reasons for the   Hahn or a Gassiot-Talabot must
        exhibitions. He it was who   permitted to use its wealth on   liberty enjoyed by the French   be content with a transient band
        organized the showing outside   social improvement. And the   critic during his flights of fancy.   of wanderers - but the credit,
        East Berlin for the first and last   Kabuki stories and the stars of the   Painting and sculpture provoke a   which is due to discovery is often
        time of the treasures of the   Kabuii theatre provided the   passionate and social response in   theirs although their writing is
        Pergamon Museum. He it was   ukiyoe artists with one of their   Parisian bourgeois circles.   far too slack to exert any kind of
        who persuaded the Russians to   major subjects. Tourists to Edo   Exhibitions provide themes for   hold on the young marauders
        lend masterpieces from the   (old Tokyo) would almost always   teatime and postprandial talk   who form their troops. They lack
        Hermitage and Pushkin Museums.   see a Kabuki play and then go   even amongst the idlest   the passion and the ascetic
        I sense that he's disappointed   home with a set of prints of the   representatives of privilege and   commitment which is the hallmark
        because it was another newspaper,   play or the actors as souvenirs.   the strange, stagnant values of   of the best French critics. Thus,
        the Asahi, and not the Nikei,   The Kabuki was also an essential   such conversations are bound to   the French journalist may well
        which succeeded in bringing the   part of the ukiyoe, the floating   exert an influence even on the   strike the British observer as a
        Mona Lisa to Japan. I also sense   world, itself, for many of those   propagators of the genuine   little bit Greenberg-like - but
        that all of Enjoji's cultural   actors specializing in female roles   article. The influence is, naturally   there is a difference. The ardent
        activities form part of his general   were also catamites, the part-time   enough, double edged. It   Clementine invents his own
        business dealings. Certainly his   equivalents of the female oiran   provokes the flowery style of the   terms like 'quality' which are
        newspaper does not think of   working in the green houses in the   critic who sacrifices everything   meant to refer to a gamut of
        itself as being in the charity   Yoshiwara district of Edo.   to good taste - but it motivates   quantifiable accomplishments,
        business. True, they don't make          Frank Whitford   the harsh intellectualism of the   even if the orthodox Clementine
        any money out of their exhibitions                     avant-garde as well; and for the   refuses to quantify them - but his
        but then they don't lose much                          time being both tendencies are   French brother-in-law must
        either and, should anything flop                       equally influential and equally   produce a set of terms which
        (which it rarely ever does) then                       detrimental to the true     apply to specifiable phenomena
        Enjoji sans rage is scrutable to   Reviewing           understanding of the artist's own   only within a single category. A
        all.                                                   concerns .                  French critic `defends' - and his
          Kabuki is also culture and it is   In France           The situation is polarized and   function revolves around this
        also uniquely Japanese. The                             there is no absolute distinction,   notion of 'defending' a certain
        Kabuki-za, the theatre, is a long,                      no genuine antithesis between the   attitude. The word is taken from
        ornate, traditional building off   PART ONE:            forces which generate the actual   the Parisian's current vocabulary
         the Ginza and at 2.30, two hours   The Critics         conflict. We cannot speak about   and fortunately it coincides with
         before our performance began,   French art criticism and the   an ancien regime and an avant-  our English term for a militant
        little old ladies in kimono, carrying   journals which carry it are hardly   garde among the critics. The left   and military attitude. The
         bags containing packed food and   related to British examples of the   produces its own fair share of   barricades are a frequent
        a flask of tea, began to queue   genre. There are categorical   waffle while the right also   phenomenon in the streets of
        outside. The food and tea is to   correspondences between   indulges in the romantic   Paris and one must not be
        sustain them during the     French and British art; and Paris   manufacture of systematically   surprised that allegorically and
        proceedings which will last five   does not exert a unilateral   pseudo-artistic ideas; and vice-  metaphorically their appearance
        hours. The sheer length of Kabuki   influence as Constable's case   versa - although it is almost   is no less regular. The battle for
        and the fact that most of the   has shown - which happens to   certainly true that the game with   survival must go on in cities which
        audience knows each play    have many, though less significant   abstract thought is the   lack civilized safeguards against
        backwards explain why there are   parallels in the present. But there   progressive's self-appointed   man's innate cannibalism. Until
        so many restaurants and snack   are hardly any demonstrable   province, as a rule. However,   recently at any rate we did have
        bars in the theatre. When people   connexions between French   there is a good deal of confusion   such safeguards; there was state
        feel hungry or thirsty they simply   critical attitudes and our own   in these matters and the fluidity   support for the arts and our
        pop out for a bite to eat or a bottle   evaluative principles. The   is due to the French critic's   artists could find a livelihood in
        of beer.                    situation is strange. It is generally   position in a turbulent   the art schools if buyers were
          To a foreigner the plot of each   assumed that the French are   environment which has violent   scarce - but further afield there
        Kabuki play seems very much   given to regard logical thought   undercurrents. Paris has always   are no schools and only sales
        the same: unhappy woman, having   processes in high esteem and it   boasted a superabundant   guarantee a modicum of
        lost husband in battle, is searching   is widely believed that we here   diversity in the arts and   recognition; which ought to
        for her son, carried off by enemy   prefer an empirical approach but   Darwinists could profitably study   ensure the basic comforts even
        warriors ten years before. She   any reader of art criticism will   the survival of the fittest among   artists deserve.
        arrives at a boatman's house. His   quickly discover that this is not   the internecine groups of the   Thus, the French critic's very
        son-in-law is really the husband of   so in reviews of contemporary   French art world. Objectivity   real power has firm foundations.
        the heroine. He only pretended to   art. Mercifully, we still tend to   of any kind is, in the   He is the artist's mouthpiece as
        be killed in battle and he himself   assume that art is always about   circumstances, not a tenable   well as his sole means of virtually
        carried off his own son to protect   something and that it has   proposition. Sooner rather than   free publicity. It is, therefore, only
        him from the enemy warriors. It   something to communicate -  later, the French critic is sucked   natural that the artist pays rather
        grows more complicated later and   true though it is that we had to   into a camp or into a group; the   heavily for the advertising he
        provides at every turn rich   bend definitions and admit that   strong-minded form their own   receives. He will offer the finest
        opportunities for the heroine to   art may be about art and that its   circle of alliances - which must   examples of his craft to the critic
        declaim long, sad speeches in a   messages may be minimal.   seem to have a recognizable   willing enough to accept his bribes
        voice which sounds like a cross   Consequently, we are still quite   character. The critic's stand   and when Parisian painters
        between a whimpering whippet   ready to discuss ideas when we   would have no publicity value   approach journalists there may
        and a girl of six learning to talk. It   describe and, what is more   unless it was associated with an   well be very real tears in their
        also provides opportunities for   important, we practise the art of   'image' - and his predicament   eyes as they proffer their pieces on
        the stage designers to create   exact description - which leads   differs from ours in this respect.   allegorically bended knees.
        brilliantly lit panoramas of foamy   to formalist criticism. In general,   (In this sense, and in this sense   Visits to homes of critics are
        seas or large parts of towns in   the newer generation of French   alone, Stephen Bann is our only   especially revealing. The walls
        cherry-blossom time. The    critics seems to have abandoned   French-influenced critic; his   resemble leaves from a stamp
        costumes are also spectacular.   our ideals; criticism has given   leadership in the Systems Group   collector's album and in the
        Indeed, for the foreigner, Kabuki   up the notion that art has some   illustrates the French critic's   passages movement is difficult
        must remain an entirely visual   special art-content and it has   place as an authoritative program-  due to the stacked offerings which
        experience and only the magic of   branched out into mystiques of   designer in a body of more or less   hinder progress from one storage
        the makeup, the dress, the sets    various sorts. It could in fact be   like-minded men.) We attempt   place to the next. It is interesting
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