Page 77 - Studio International - January February 1975
P. 77

is easily discerned but only his   here in London, provide the best   even higher among those who   collaboration a selected group of
        orientation displays it; not his   example of it.      have attended other art schools.   people from diverse areas of
        comments. The analysis of              Kenneth Robertson   In this professional group there   expression but all with a desire
        content along quantifiable lines                       are 28 per cent women, the total   to forge their individual energies
        has been altogether abandoned                          percentage of women in all fields   into a completely new and
        (although Catherine Millet may,   Part Two of this Report will be   of life in Finland being 42 per   expanding unit of ideas.
        perhaps be an exception in this   devoted to an examination of the   cent.           I contacted the dancer/
        respect) — and, in this sense, even                      Although the state of Finland   choreographer Micha Bergese,
                                   French art Press.
        the formalistic approach of our                        has since 1970 granted a certain   the Viennese actress Eva Pilz, the
        own Patrick Heron is primarily                         number of scholarships to   dancer Cathy Lewis and the
        devoted to questions of content.                       cultural workers, the number of   musician/composer Bob Downes.
        Content includes the function of                       these grants is not adequate to   This association has been
                                        Note from
        colours, canvas areas,                                 guarantee proper living     extremely productive and
        composition — and it includes                          conditions to the bulk of the   rewarding.
        thematic probings as well. In the                      artists. Pictorial artists get
        circumstances, the rightwing                           annually 14 one-year scholarships,
        critic's stance explores the                           7 three-year scholarships and 5
        metaphysics of a peculiar    On the initiative of the Artists'   five-year ones. During the stated
        morality. His terms reproduce   Association of Finland and with   period the artists receive a
        the ecclesiastic rhythms of chant —  the financial support of the   monthly salary. Besides these
        and, plainly, they are designed   Ministry of Education, Miss   state scholarships there are a
        to enchant rather than to   Kristina Hautala was       number of private foundations
        convince. Personal factors   commissioned to make a study of   that subsidize art. Scholarships,
        become ineluctably involved in   the economic and social   however, do not play a decisive
        the anthems composed by a   situation of professional   role in the income formation of   Development
        Restany — and it is very much to   pictorial artists in Finland. The   the artists. During the years 1966-  Structured Theatre has been
        his credit that an unwavering   study was completed in 1973 and   70, 56 per cent of the artists   developed by building models and
        fidelity and long-held convictions   shows that only a minority of   received no scholarships and 25   formulating our ideas around the
        provide the fire of his speech.   Finnish artists have an adequate   per cent had only once been given   Institute of Contemporary Art
        Among all living French critics,   income to provide a minimum   financial support in the form of a   Theatre where we plan to launch
        Restany may be alone in the logic   living standard. According to the   scholarship. The average   the London season before
        of his position — for he has never   study only 17 per cent of Finnish   scholarship in Finland is 2,700   touring Europe. Each day
        betrayed any of the earlier   artists earn 10,100 Fmk a year —  Fmk, which is very low.   represents one complete cycle and
        causes, never forgotten an earlier   an amount which can be regarded   The publication of this study   presents one complete work given
        enthusiam and in his capacity   as providing a minimum living   has led to a lively discussion on the   that certain parts of the music,
        to add to them, he has      standard in today's Finland. Half   artist's role and his right to a   the choreography, the text and
        proved himself a man of     of the artists have an annual   decent living. The Artists'   the structure will change each
        exceptionally wide-ranging   income of under 4,900 Fmk, the   Association of Finland has put   performance. One of the
        sympathies.                 medium income, again, being   forward a proposition whereby   participants will be responsible
          There remains the cause of   7,400 Fmk. The research covered   the state would subsidize art by   for the over-all direction of the
        conceptual art and it is almost   all professional Finnish artists.   founding a system of artists'   action at any given time. This can
        impossible to discuss because it   The number of artists included in   salaries which would enable a   change from day to day creating a
        inspires writing which fulfils, at   the research was 650, out of   certain number of artists to do   multiplicity of focus points in
        any rate superficially, the   which number 9 per cent fell out   creative work without economic   their inter-relations instead of a
        demands of the British reader. It   of the final analysis.   problems. The salary would be   basic, set piece.
        states criteria and abides by their   The study was based on the   adequate to guarantee the basic
        demands throughout an       situation in 1970, but no great   necessities of living. This
        argument. The conceptualist's   changes have taken place since   proposition with all its
        stance is also singularly well   the time of the investigation. It   implications has so far not been
        placed for discussions and a   shows a heavy centralization of   investigated in detail. It has,
        consummate debater, like    artists in South Finland: 45 per   however, been greeted with
        Catherine Millet, performs her   cent of the active artists live   approval by some of the larger
        task not merely with a ballet   either in the capital or in its   political parties in Finland.
        dancer's grace; there is wit and   immediate surrounding. This also   Maaretta Jaukkuri
        intelligence in every phrase   has to be seen as an outcome of
        coined by her pen. Her essay on   poor living conditions. Most of
        Bernar Venet could be a set piece   the country's art business takes
        for study in any future school of   place here and the capital
        criticism if we ensure that pupils   provides the best opportunities   Structured
        cannot relate the writing to the   for exhibiting.
        works which they describe. Nor is   In a particularly difficult   Theatre
        Venet's work to be dismissed out   economic situation live, on the one
        of hand. But the question   hand, the older generation of
        remains. is it art? And     artists, which in this study means   Origin
        Catherine Millet's argument is   artists who are over 60 years of   I have been consistently
        never involved in resolving these   age, and, on the other hand, the   involved with the structuring of
        basic-seeming doubts. She belongs   very young generation. The   colour working on the two-
        to an exclusive band of the elect;   number of aged artists in this   dimensional surface, as well as
        in fact, she could be considered   study is 26 per cent and 70 per   shaping canvases to employ an
        the patron saint of all     cent of them are still     external ambiguity of a chroma
        conceptualists and she may well   professionally active. Their   light-change, bringing about a
        deserve canonization for the   incomes, however, decrease   surface movement while
        steadfastness of her faith. All the   sharply after the age of 60 owing   respecting the two-dimensional
        same, it must be realized that a   evidently to their diminishing   plane. My large environmental
        papal style is better suited for   production.         work has been an extension of
        excommunication than explication   The beginning of an artist's   attitude in so far as I am
        and her severe dogmatism inflicts   career is also difficult and many   physically identifying and
        its punishing sentences on an   young artists have to look for   containing space by a structure,
        often unconvinced reader. Hats   other jobs to earn their living —  the space being activated by
        off, nevertheless, to the spirit of   and some are forced to stay in   colour and by the use of freely
        her brave attack!           other professions for the rest of   moving and revolving suspended
          Strangely, with Catherine   their lives since after a few years it   poles with the ability to pendulum
        Millet's exception, there seems to   would be too risky to move   off the perpendicular.
        be no middle ground. The middle   back to being a 'free' artist. The   The inevitable progression was   For the evening performance
        ground may well be the lukewarm   study reveals that 36 per cent of   to build a totally all enclosing   the spectators will be gathered
        prerogative of less committed   those who have finished the   four-dimensional situation where   outside the theatre in the
        societies. And — in many ways it   School of the Fine Arts Academy   the essential activator of the   concourse. The house lights will
        is our great good fortune as well   of Finland have art as a secondary   structure would be people. I   be gradually faded to a half-tone
        as our minor tragedy that we,    occupation. The percentage is    needed to bring together in total    light. Then the doors open. The
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