Page 63 - Studio International - July August 1975
P. 63

street is demolished, then rebuilt, we say   mistakenly identify with the sign; for   whatsoever, visual or verbal, the notion of
        that it is the same street even though, in a   example, the printed words on this page,   `true signified' must yield to Derrida's
        material sense, perhaps nothing of the   or the physical sounds when they are   dfférance or Peirce's `unlimited semiosis'.
        old one remains. Why can a street be   read aloud. The signified is the sense   The alternative is a metaphysics of
        completely rebuilt and still be the same ?   with which the reader invests these   interpretation through which an attempt
        Because it does not constitute a purely   graphic or phonic configurations (in   is made to reconstitute the missing
        material entity; it is based on certain   Saussure's terms the 'concepts' he   `presence' which is felt to be the source
        conditions that are distinct from the   associates with them). The signis   of a singular and true content of the
        materials that fit the conditions, eg its   therefore . . the union of a signifier and   empirically given form of the text. All
        location with respect to other streets.   a signified (in the fashion of the recto   too obviously such a metaphysics
        Similarly, what makes the express is its   and verso of a sheet of paper)'.  2 0   provides the framework of most
        hour of departure, its route, and in   The image of a coin may help clarify   photographic criticism with its
        general every circumstance that sets it   Saussure's notion of the sign. A penny   preoccupation with intentions (the
        apart from other trains. Whenever the   has a 'head' and a 'tails' side, yet we   `committed photographer' . . . etc.).
        same conditions are fulfilled, the same   would not say that the penny is either one   Jonathan Culler has remarked that
        entities are obtained. Still, the entities   or the other. The penny is the   within such a framework 'Notions of
        are not abstract since we cannot   simultaneous presence of the two.    truth and reality are based on a longing
        conceive of a street or a train outside its   Similarly the sign is the simultaneous   for an unfallen world in which there
        material realization.'' Or again, the   presence of signifier and signified.   would be no need for the mediating
        shape of the letter u as it recurs in a   The major disadvantage of Saussure's   systems of language and perception but
        handwritten manuscript may vary    notion of the sign is that it presents a   everything would be itself, with no gap
        considerably: what is important is that   misleading picture of language as a set of   between form and meaning'." It is this
        variation is confined within certain   coded one-to-one correspondences;   logocentric longing which is expressed
        bounds so that it is not, for example,   each signifier appearing, as it were, with   in the 'window-on-the-world' realism of
        confused with the letters a or y. The u   a signified engraved on its reverse. This   the great majority of writers on
        is a form determined only in its functional   may be the case with road-signs but not   photography.
        oppositions to other forms within the   with language, which is not passively
        alphabetic system.                  decoded but creatively interpreted.   Syntagm and system
        Saussure illustrates the principle of   In a radical critique of such a notion of   In discourse : . . words acquire
        synchrony by analogy with a game of   the sign, Derrida has identified a   relations based on the linear nature of
        chess. A game may have been in progress   `metaphysics of presence' throughout   language because they are chained
        for a number of days; but when it comes   Western thought bound particularly to   together. This rules out the possibility
        to describing the state of play the   the notion of the primacy of oral speech   of pronouncing two elements
        spectator who has watched every move   over writing. He quotes Aristotle :   simultaneously . . . Combinations
        has no advantage over the person who   `Sounds emitted by the voice are   supported by linearity are syntagms'.24
        looks at the board for the first time.   symbols of states of the soul, and written   Opposed to the plane of syntagms is
        We do not need to know the history of   words the symbols of words emitted by   what Saussure called the plane of
        the moves to describe the state of play   the voice', and he observes that here,   `associations'. Outside discourse:
        at any given moment. (Saussure refers   . the voice, producer of prime   . . words acquire relations of a
        therefore to an 'état de gangue' .) Or, to   symbols, has an essential and immediate   different kind. Those that have
        take an example from photography, the   relation with the soul. Producer of the   something in common are associated in
        fact that the 'soft-focus' style of   first signifier, it is not a simple signifier   the memory, resulting in groups marked
        photography originated as a response   amongst others. It signifies the 'state of   by diverse relations'.
        to purely technical exigencies is   the soul' which itself reflects or reflects   In modern linguistics, Saussure's
        irrelevant to a description of its present   upon things by means of natural   plane of associations is referred to as the
        signification.                      likeness. Between existence and the   plane of the 'system' or 'paradigm'. A
          A theory of 'photographic competence'   soul, between things and affections, there   particular linguistic unit is said to enter
        would restrict its attention to a   would be a relation of translation or of   into syntagmatic relations with all the
        synchronically given 'state' of     natural signification; between the soul   other units with which it is actually
        photography. A given individual 'image'   and the logos, a relation of conventional   associated in a spoken or written chain.
        would be of interest only to the extent   symbolization'." Thus oral speech   It is said to enter into paradigmatic
        that it provided evidence of the    (logos) is in a privileged proximity to the   relations with all the other units which
        underlying interplay of forms of which   subject, to the communicative   might potentially replace it at its
        the image is a contingent substantial   presence which is the sole authoritative   particular position in that chain.
        realization. The parameters of these   source of the meaning of the     Thus: . . by virtue of its potentiality
        forms would be differentially determined   communication. Writing, on the other   of occurrence in the context '-et  the
        in their mutual oppositions within a   hand, Derrida observes, was condemned   expression element jb' stands in
        system. The purpose of the theory would   by Plato precisely because it severs the   paradigmatic relationship with /p/,/s/,
        be to identify those systems of     communication from the communicator,   etc; and in syntagmatic relationship with
        regularities which allow the production   the source of its veracity. The written   /e/, /t/'. Moreover, these relations
        of meanings through photography.    text, particularly the literary text, is the   obtain at every level of linguistic
                                            occasion for a play of interpretations,   description, so: . . by virtue of its
        Signifier and signified             a play of differences between elements,   potentiality of occurrence in such
          In Saussurian terminology, the    in which 'the meaning' is constantly   contexts as a . . . of milk, the word pint
        signifier and the signified (signifié,   deferred. This simultaneity of   contracts paradigmatic relations with
        signifiant) are the two components of the   differing and deferring Derrida indicates   such other words as bottle, cup, gallon,
        sign. The notion of the sign is of   in the term dfférance.             etc., and syntagmatic relations with a,
        fundamental importance to linguistics   As Derrida himself observes, 'Peirce   of, and milk'."
        and is also notoriously difficult to define;   goes very far in the direction which we   Syntagm and system are, therefore, the
        however, it may initially be described as :   have called . . . the de-construction of the   two 'axes' of language. The plane of the
         . . an entity which I) can become   transcendental signified . . . the so-called   syntagm is that of addition, of the
        sensible, and 2) for a given group of   `thing itself' is always already a   combination of linguistic elements. The
        users, marks an absence in itself'." The   representamen abstracted from the   plane of the system is that of
        part of the sign which can become   simplicity of what is intuitively obvious.   substitution.
        sensible is, in Saussure, the signifier.   The representamen functions only in   In a celebrated study of aphasia
        The `absent' part is the signified. The   giving rise to an interpretant which itself   Jakobsen has shown that although the
        relation which joins them is that of   becomes sign and so on to infinity. The   language deficiencies of aphasia have an
        signification.                      identity itself of the signified is concealed   anatomical cause (lesions at the cerebral
          The signifier is that substantial entity   and displaced ad infinitum'."   centre for the affected linguistic function),
        which the unreflecting person may     Thus, presented with any text     these deficiencies may be subjected to a
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