Page 64 - Studio International - July August 1975
P. 64

purely linguistic categorization. Thus the   where the elements and relations are   Following Hjelmslev (' ... the Danish
       two main types of aphasia align     co-terminal with their meaning).    language is expression for a content that
       themselves along the two major axes of   Amongst the non-conformal languages   is the Danish nation, the family and the
       sign usage: in similarity disorders the   is 'denotative language', where neither   home; and in the same way, different
       ability to select and substitute elements   of the two planes is itself a language   styles are expressions, or symbols, for
       is affected, while the ability to combine is   (as in natural language in its everyday   contents consisting of certain elements that
       relatively unimpaired; in contiguity   use). When the plane of content itself is   lie outside the styles' 31), it is Barthes who
       disorders it is combination which becomes   a language, we are in the presence of a   has been most concerned to examine the
       progressively chaotic, while selection and   'meta-language' (as in the technical   relationship between connotation and
       substitution remain comparatively   language of linguistics which has natural   ideology. Mythologies aims to show that
       normal.                             language as its content).           by describing the process of
         In the course of this study Jakobsen   When the plane of expression itself   signification of mythical speech we may
       assimilates the two dimensions of   already constitutes a language, then this   thereby 'undo' it. In describing Barthes'
       `combination' and 'selection' to  	. the   is a case of 'connotative language'   work, Stephen Heath has asserted that
       two polar figures of speech', metaphor and   (as in the literary uses of natural   ... semiology cannot but bring a
       metonymy, and has shown that style may   language). For example: 'When   derangement of sense in its train'. In
       be interpreted according to these   Stendhal uses an Italian word, signifier,   respect of myth's operation the schema of
       polarities. In the metaphoric mode, the   it is not only the term used, but the fact   connotation provides 	. at once the
       primary mode of poetry, elements are   that, to express a certain idea, the author   means of comprehending this
       associated by virtue of their similarity.   may have decided to turn to Italian, and   operation and of representing this
       In the metonymic mode, typical of   this recourse has as its signified a certain   comprehension', so that ... . in its
       `realist' prose, elements are associated   idea of passion and of liberty, connected,   encounter with connotation semiology
       through their contiguity. Jacobsen   in the Stendhalian world, with Italy'. 30   is to be defined as a tool of ideological
       himself has indicated the application of   In the case of connotation, then, the   analysis'. 32  Such claims are problematic,
       this dichotomy in the analysis of   signifier is not so much the word chosen   but this is not the place to discuss the
       signifying systems other than       as the fact of its having been chosen.   putative objectivity of semiology as a
       language itself: 'The same oscillation   Thus, while the expressions 'Close the   means of describing ideology.
       occurs in sign systems other than   door, please', `Do be so kind as to close
       language. A salient example from the   the door', and Pu't'wood in t'ole, will   IV
       history of painting is the manifestly   yer', are at the denotative level   The rudimentary mechanics of the
       metonymical orientation of Cubism,   interchangeable, as connotators they are   linguistic model described so far can be
       where the object is transformed into a   quite distinct.                illustrated in its semiological extension
       set of synecdoches ; the surrealist   The different formations of denotation,   by applying it to the case of clothing.
       painters responded with a patently   metalanguage and connotation are easiest   There are identifiable, commonly used
       metaphorical attitude. Ever since the   to grasp in the diagram form Barthes has   units of clothing (shoes, jackets, hats,
       productions of D. W. Griffith, the art of   suggested :                 etc.), which are combined according to
       the cinema, with its highly developed                                   commonly held conventions. There are
       capacity for changing the angle,                                        rules of syntagmatic association (the
       perspective and focus of "shots", has                                   shirt is worn under the jacket); and rules
       broken with the tradition of the theatre                                of syntagmatic exclusion (a tie is not
       and ranged an unprecedented variety of                                  worn with a roll-neck jersey); and within
       synecdochic "close-ups" and metonymic                                   the completed syntagm of a fully
       "set-ups" in general. In such motion                                    dressed individual there is ample scope
       pictures as those of Charlie Chaplin and                                for paradigmatic substitution (a bowler
       Eisenstein, these devices in turn were                                  for a beret). In the case of clothing, the
       overlayed by a novel, metaphoric                                        conventional elements and rules of
       "montage" with its "lap dissolves" — the   Expression (E) and content (C) are   combination together constitute a
       filmic similes'. 27                 defined only in their mutual relation (R).   langue. Parole would then be the
                                           ERC is a (denotative) language. When a   individual choices of elements and
       Denotation and connotation          language becomes the object language of   `grammatical style', with certain
         It was through a reflection upon the   another (second-degree) language, that   examples of parole being absorbed into
       dual nature of the sign that Saussure   is to say when a language (ERC) becomes   langue (the Wellington boot, the
       arrived at his conception of  langue as   the content (C) of another language,   Windsor knot). At the level of
       essentially a form : 'Linguistics then   then the second degree language is a   denotation the signifier 'bowler hat' will
       works in the borderland where the   metalanguage. When a language is taken   take as its signified such a sense as
       elements of sound and thought       up as the expression plane (E) of another   `article of clothing to be worn on the
       combine; their combination produces   language, then the language of the   head for protection against the
       a form, not a substance' .28 The    second degree is a connotative language.   elements'. At the level of connotation
       `glossematic' theory of the Danish     Barthes emphasizes that all three   it may take such signifieds as,
       linguist Louis Hjelmslev29 develops the   formations may be found in a single text.   neologistically,33 'city-ness'.
       concern with form to the extent of   Fashion writing is metalinguistic in   The above is a simple, indeed
       disassociating it from any phonological   taking a 'language' (the vestimentary   simplistic, example of the manner in
       or semantic actuality. It is at this level of   system) as its object. Simultaneously, the   which a signifying phenomenon which
       abstraction that linguistics draws   metalinguistic text is absorbed as   itself does not belong to natural language
       closest to 'languages' other than    expression plane within a connotative   may nevertheless be analysed in terms of
       natural language and promises to     language. Thus we recognize a difference   a linguistic model. However, to
       become, as Saussure wished, a general   in 'tone' between types of fashion   develop the application in sufficient
       science of all languages : semiology.   writing :                       detail for the results to become
       Hjelmslev29 defined a language as
       consisting of two planes, the planes of
       `expression' and 'content'. The first
       corresponds to the plane of the
       signifiers and the second to the plane of
       the signifieds. Within each of these two
       planes he applies the dichotomy form/
       substance. Following Hjelmslev29 we may
       speak of a 'conformal language' when the
       two planes have exactly the same formal
       organization, differing only in substance
       (as in the case of mathematical systems,
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