Page 68 - Studio International - July August 1975
P. 68

subject, is additionally of interest as it   parataxes, based on the modification of   that of the 'same' and the 'other', of
       reminds us that the rhetorical structures   normally existing relationships between   similitude and of difference. However,
       we find in such images may also be   successive signs. The former class would   Durand observes : 'The problem is to
       traced in the general manifestations of   be sited at the level of the paradigm, the   know how to use these two concepts to
       our psychic life. Durand defines rhetoric   latter at the level of the syntagm. Durand   define the supplementary degrees of
       `at least summarily, as "the art of fake   retains the axes of paradigm and syntagm   relation'. Following a discussion of
       speech" ' (l'art de la parole feinte).   but has recourse to both in the   responses to this problem in the work
       Rhetoric puts in play two levels of   definition of any figure: 'The figure of   of Barthes, Greimas, and Lupasco,
       language, 'language proper' and 'figured   rhetoric being defined as an operation   Durand concludes : 'In fact it seems that
       language', it being supposed that that   which, starting from a simple   there may be not one but two basic
       which is said in a 'figured' fashion could   proposition, modifies certain elements of   dichotomies : on the one hand similitude
       have been expressed in a simpler, more   that proposition, the figures will be   and difference, on the other solidarity and
       direct, and neutral manner. Certainly,   classed along two dimensions :   opposition. And the relations between
       Durand observes, `. . . this thesis is in   — on the one hand, the nature of the   these two dichotomies are unstable and
       part mythic: strictly speaking the     operation.                       ambiguous. At the pre-oedipien state,
       "simple proposition" is not formulated   — on the other, the nature of the   when there is acquired the distinction
       and nothing assures us of its existence'.   relation which unites the variable   of the self and the other similitude is a
       Nevertheless it would in principle be   elements.                       sign of belonging to a single class, of an
       possible to identify this simple message,   The operation is situated mainly at the   extension of the self, and difference is a
       either by interviewing a representative   level of the syntagm, the relation at   sign of exteriority, of separation. With the
       sample of readers or by textual analysis,   the level of the paradigm. We may say   oedipien state the homology is reversed:
       and so the conception remains       also that the former is linked to the   difference of sex signifies complementarity
       operationally valid.                expression form (signifiers) and the latter   and desire, whereas identity of sex entails
         In contrast to literature, which since   to the content form (signifieds).'   identity of object of desire, rivalry, conflict'.
        romanticism has valued the 'natural'   a) The rhetorical operations      Durand decides on more formal
       and the 'sincere', advertising has    `The multitude of classical figures can   definitions based on the concept of the
       developed wilful excess and artifice.   be reduced to a small number of   paradigm : 'Two elements will be said to
       Advertising is openly fake and there is no   fundamental operations.    be "opposed" if they belong to a
       question of the public being unable to   `An examination of the "figures of   paradigm which is limited in its terms
       distinguish truth from pretence. The   diction" shows that they can be   (for example : masculine feminine) —
       question therefore arises as to the reason   divided into five categories : repetition   "other" if they belong to a paradigm
       for the conceit : 'if we want to say one   of a single sound (rhyme, assonance,   which includes other terms — "same" if
       thing, why say another ?' Durand finds   etc.), addition of a sound (prothesis,   they belong to a paradigm consisting of a
       some light is shed on this problem by the   paragogue), suppression of a sound   single term. We pass from the notion of
       Freudian concepts of desire and censure.   (aphaeresis), substitution of one sound   paradigm to the notion of transgression
       For example, the correspondent to an   for another (dieresis), inversion of order   if we acknowledge that two terms of a
       agony column who declares 'I married a   of two sounds (metathesis).    single paradigm must not, normally,
       bear', confesses, in the literal sense of   `The "figures of construction" are   figure in the same proposition: the
       her statement, to a transgression of   reducible to the same operation, applied   transgression is weak for two "other"
       social and sexual norms. The sheer   to words : repetition of the same word   elements (simple coincidence), strong
       improbability of such a contestation of   (anaphora), addition of a word   for two "opposed" elements (meeting
       norms, however, dictates that the literal   (pleonasm), suppression of a word   of two antagonistic elements), very strong
       meaning be rejected in favour of some   (ellipsis), etc.                for two "same" elements (duplication of a
       supposed underlying proposition such   `Analogous mechanisms, moreover,   single element).
       as : 'My husband is as beastly as a bear'.   are recognized, as Freud has shown, in   `According to the elementary
       Nevertheless, even though only pretence,   the dream, the mot d'esprit, etc:   connections which unite their respective
       the transgression satisfies a prohibited   repetition (Le Mot d'esprit, p.264),   elements two propositions may be bound
       desire; and, because it is only pretence,   suppression (forgetting), substitution   by the following relations :
       it gives unpunished satisfaction.   (slips of the tongue) ...           — identity: uniquely "same" relations;
                                             `In short, there are two fundamental   — similarity: at least one "same"
                                           operations :                          relation and "other" relations;
         According to Durand, all figures of   — addition: one or more elements are   — opposition: at least one "opposed"
        rhetoric may be analysed as mock   added to the proposition (repetition   relation;
        transgressions of some norm : the norms   being included as a special case:   — difference: uniquely "other" relations.
        of language, morals, society, logic,   addition of identical elements).   `How will the constituent elements
        physical reality, etc. He finds that in the   —  suppression: one or more elements of   of a proposition be defined ? . . . The most
        case of the photographic image the rules   the proposition are suppressed, and two   simple division admits of only two
        broken are above all those of physical   derived operations :          elements : form and content . . . this
        reality : 'The rhetoricized image, in its   — substitution, analysed as a suppression   division is difficult to apply to the
        immediate reading, is heir to the   followed by an addition: an element   advertising image. But it is at the
        fantastic, the dream, hallucinations :   is suppressed in order to be replaced by   foundation of the classical figures. These
        Metaphor becomes metamorphosis,    another.                            two elements already suffice to generate
        repetition seeing-double, hyperbole   — exchange, which includes two reciprocal   nine different types of relations between
        gigantism, ellipsis, levitation, etc.'   substitutions : two elements of the   propositions :
        On the occasions when a realistic
        `justification' is given for the image
        `. . . . unreality is not eliminated, but only
        displaced'. For example, the suggestion
        of a divided personality contained in the
        double-image (dédoublement) of the
        model in a swimsuit advertisement, is
        `justified' by the incongruous presence
       of a mirror on a beach.
         In a course on rhetoric given at the
       Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
       between 1964-65, Barthes proposed a   proposition are permutated.'        Paradox and ambiguity are interesting
       preliminary division of the figures of   b) The relations               figures as they present a contamination of
       rhetoric into two large classes : the   The relations which exist between two   content relation by form relation: the
       metabolas, based on the substitution of   propositions can similarly be classed   content relation is at first seen as
       one signifier for another, and the    according to a fundamental dichotomy:    homologous with the form relation, then
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