Page 65 - Studio International - July August 1975
P. 65

interesting is to court very great   omit it entirely. In rendering the   American Spanish with 21 distinctive
        difficulties. The extent of what a truly   roundness of the head he may resort to a   units to about 100,000 significant units —
        tenacious application of the linguistic   set of conventions in which this is   it is also the root of the autonomy of
        model would entail is to be found in   achieved through a variation in the   language. Phonemes in isolation from
        Barthes' own Systéme de la Mode.     thickness of the outline, or to a system of   one another do not signify. They have no
        Barthes here takes as his object-    parallel strokes which stand for shadow, a   meaning in themselves nor are they
        language those descriptions of garments   combination of the two, or some other   affected by the meanings of the words in
        which constitute the vêtement écrit.   convention. The camera, on the other   which they participate. They thus
         Systeme de la Mode is widely accepted as   hand, will mechanically reproduce every   guarantee the arbitrariness of the sign.
        the very model of methodological rigour   detail of what is actually present in the   The classification of linguistic units
        in structuralist analysis. However, in the   scene during the moment of exposure of   is achieved through the commutation
        foreword to this work Barthes states that:    the film. Surely no code here   test. In varying the pronunciation of a
          .. by the time the author had      intervenes between the object and its   word there comes a point at which
        undertaken [the work] and conceived   representation on paper. Surely, . . . it   a significantly different unit of the
        its form, linguistics was no longer the   is no longer necessary to operate the   language is recognized. When, for
        model it had been in the eyes of certain   relay of a third term under the heading   examble, bet is distorted into bit the fact
        researchers', with the result that when   of a psychic image of the object; . . . the   that a new phoneme has been isolated
        the book was published it was,       relationship of the signified with the   is signalled by a change in the meaning
            already dated . . . already a part of   signifier is quasi-tautological; . . . a   of the utterance. The fact that bitter and
        the history of semiology'. 3 '       quasi identity is posed . . . and we are   rabbit are unit morphemes of the
          Largely because of the pioneering work   dealing with the paradox . . . of a message   English language, whereas abbrit is not, is
        of Roland Barthes, the term `semiology'   without a code'."              similarly established by reference to
        is today understood as referring to that                                 sense. The commutation test', Barthes
        part of semiotics which adheres                                          writes, 'allows us in principle to spot,
        exclusively to linguistics. Umberto Eco   Certainly the difference between   by degrees, the significant units which
        has written :                        language and iconic imagery is most   together weave the syntagm, thus
           . we could speak of semiology . . but   marked in the case of the photograph.   preparing the classification of those
        Barthes has reversed the Saussurian   The linguistic sign bears an       units into paradigms."'
        definition and has seen in semiology a   arbitrary" relationship to its referent;   The apparent absence of a level of
        translinguistics which examines every   the photographic image, it may be held,   secondary articulation in the photograph
        system of signs in relation to the laws of   does not. There is no law in nature which   led Metz in his earlier work to speak of a
        language. If, on the contrary, we want to   dictates that the linguistic sign 'tree'   `quasi fusion' of sign and referent which
        be allowed to study sign systems     (or l'arbre or Baum) should be      precludes the possibility of an iconic
        according to a method which does not   associated with the thing with which it is   langue. Following Barthes, Metz
        necessarily depend on linguistics . . . we   in fact associated : this is a matter of   maintained that each image, of which
        should speak of semiotics'. He observes   cultural convention. In the case of the   there are an infinite number, is
        that, in any case, we may adopt the term   photograph, on the other hand, the   irreducibly unique. There can be no
        `semiotic' without involving ourselves in   image is in a sense caused by its referent.   commutation of the image and thus no
        discussions upon the philosophical or   A photo-sensitive emulsion necessarily   paradigmatic systems of the image.
         methodological implications of the two   registers the distribution of light to   Consequently Metz's cinema
         terms as : 'we are conforming, quite   which it is exposed. The chiaroscuro of   semiotics developed primarily as a
         simply, to the decision made in     the photographic image replicates that   semiotics of the syntagm, and has
         January 1969 in Paris by an         present to the exposed film. 'In every   underlined the main items of realist
         international committee, which gave   photograph', says Barthes, 'there is the   aesthetics (certainly, since Bazin, the
         birth to the "International Association   stupefying evidence of this-is-what-  dominant cine-ideology), illusion and
         for Semiotic Studies" and accepted   happened and how'."                linear narrative.
        (without excluding use of the term     In an ingenuous assumption the     Eco, in an essay of 1967,12  argued,
        "semiology") the term "semiotics" as   photograph is held to reproduce its   against Metz, that articulations 'below'
         being that which will from now on cover   object. However, the relationship   the level of the image may be posited.
        all possible senses of the two terms   between a photographic image and its   Eco's methodology is formed by
        under discussion'."                  referent is one of reproduction only to   reference to information theory and to the
                                             the extent that Christopher Wren's   psychology of perception. For example,
                                             death-mask reproduces Christopher   much has been made of the 'digital',
          Eco's own work provides many       Wren. The photograph abstracts from,   discontinuous character of language as
        examples of departures from strict   and mediates, the actual. For example, a   opposed to the 'analogical', continuous
        linguistic lines. The one I shall describe   photograph of three people grouped   nature of the image. Eco refers here to
        here concerns the photographic image   together may, in reality, have    the systems for storing, transmitting and
        and 'double-articulation'.           comprised a live model, a two-dimensional   displaying pictures with the aid of
          When Elements of Semiology first   `cut-out' figure, and a wax dummy.   computers, in which the apparently
        appeared, in the journal Communications   In the actual presence of such an   analogical has been interpreted in digital
        (1964), it was accompanied by Barthes'   assembly I would quickly know them for   terms. He also points out that modern
        analysis of an advertisement, Rhetoric   what they were. No such certainty   reproductive processes, from half-tone
        of the Image. In the course of this article   accompanies my cognition of the   blocks to TV images, present us with
        Barthes compares photography with    photographic group. It is precisely the   discontinuous systems. But more
        drawing: . . of all images', he says,   difference between our comprehension of   importantly Eco reminds us that there
        `it is only the photograph which     an object and our comprehension of its   can be no uncoded visual message as the
        possesses the ability to transmit [literal]   image, that Eco takes as the starting   act of perception itself is a decoding
        information without forming it by means   point of the observations which led him   operation.
        of discontinuous signs and rules of   to reject both Barthes' notion of the
        transformation. It is therefore necessary   `uncoded' message and also the 'dogma
        to oppose the photograph, a message   of double articulation'.40           Saussure was not referring simply to
        without a code, to the drawing, which,   Double articulation is a defining   brute sensation when he said that the
        even when denoted, is a coded message'.36   attribute of natural language. It is that   linguistic  signifier is a sound-image.
          Clearly, the artist is involved in an act   feature by which the very great number   `When we hear people speaking a
        of selection, both in what he presents   of words of a language are formed by   language that we do not know', he
        of the object before him and in how he   means of different combinations of only   remarked 'we perceive the sounds but
        presents it. If he is drawing a portrait   a small number of sounds. The   remain outside the social fact because
        and dislikes the shape of his sitter's   principle of double-articulation accounts   we do not understand them.'"
        nose then he is at liberty to change its   not only for the great economy of   Saussure's signifier is not a physical
        appearance in the drawing or even to    language — Barthes cites the example of    phenomenon but . . the psychological
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