Page 74 - Studio International - March April 1975
P. 74

'the actors' ?              JH I think what happened here is   South of France with Mo, his
     JH I got to know them very well,   that, firstly, you know, I've been a   assistant, and photographed Mo
     as you can expect, over the period   cameraman for many years. I   at the edge of the pool, as if he
     of three years that the movie took   generally act intuitively. If I shoot   were Peter, just as a basis for
     to make. It wasn't as if I was   something in a particular way it is   doing the picture again. And
     going in there with a feature film   because that is how I like it. In   within two weeks he had actually
     crew, although we were making a   this particular film, the way I saw   completed it. He also managed to
     feature. It was just David Mingay   things just matched the way that   get Peter, as is shown in the movie,
     and myself, and maybe another   David Hockney does his own   to pose for him in the park. The
     person if we were shooting sound.   compositions, though I can't   painting went to New York for
     We would just go as friends and   remember being incredibly aware   the exhibition with a day to spare.
     maybe hang around all day until   of it. The way that David Hockney   KG-Y The dream sequences,
     the right mood was established   paints something at right angles -  which are not presumably
     and we could impose a bit of   square on - as you say, is a trick, I   recreations in any sense, have a
     filming.                    suppose, of his that is very   different role then. Can you
                                 effective and makes it look very
     KG-Y What about the sequence                            explain how they come about?
     where he cuts the small paintings   traditional. I do it a lot myself and
                                 think I did it even         JH Well, we went to Los Angeles.
     up? You must have prepared that.
                                  before I had heard of David Hockney, but it's   After my initial filming with Peter
     JH That's genuinely authentic
                                 difficult to criticize your own   in 1971, he refused to be filmed by
     but, I admit, I made him delay
                                 compositions.               me again until November 1972. I
     his hacking them up until I was                         asked him to come to California. I
     ready. It took place at the time we   DM There was an idea which we   said 'I would love to film you in
     filmed it. I made him reserve it for   discussed at an early stage of the   the pools.' And he said 'All right,
     me. When they were acting,   filming that Hockney's painting   if you'll pay for me to go over.
     they were not really acting at all.   had a modern and photographic   The day after we arrived we   DeMille. Of course, I patently
     They were just being themselves   look about it and was to a certain   hired a car and drove into   wasn't, but we shot a lot in two
     with perhaps one line of    extent like colour supplement   Beverly Hills looking for things to   trips to America, one with David
     dialogue from me - and that's all.   photography...     film. We knew we had to do   in New York, one with Peter in
     KG-Y There's a sequence where   JH I don't agree with that. The   something in a swimming pool   Los Angeles and a lot round
     you do seem to have met some   paintings are not tricks like   because David Hockney was   David's flat where I erected lights
     resistance - when, after the   colour supplement photography,   painting one. We went to a gallery   permanently when he was doing
     opening of the exhibition in New   which is fake and unreal. When I   first and somebody said that   the Peter and the pool picture. I
     York, David Hockney goes to see   take compositions I don't exclude   Betty Freeman had a painting of   could then go to his studio
     Henry Geldzahler who is sitting as   an area in the frame. I don't go in   David's, of herself. So we went off   whenever I wanted and very
     in the composition of the   tight to exclude the background   in the car, as you do in Los   discreetly do a bit of filming. I was
     composition of the painting.   but instead show virtually   Angeles, and we arrived at this   also lucky because he didn't
     Hockney takes one look and   everything. I put a person against   wonderful woman's house - she's   object at all as he wanted to finish
     storms out....              a background to show both. The   a patron of the arts. We saw this   his painting and the lights helped
     JH That particular sequence I   background and the environment   incredible picture of Betty   him work up to twenty hours a
     remember very well. It is an   are both as important to me as the   Freeman among the animals,   day. So I also helped him finish
     invented sequence. I was told to   person within them. I think it is   among the stuffed beasts. The   the picture.
     get to Henry Geldzahler's flat at   the same in a David Hockney   scene on the canvas was actually   Nobody really believed the
     8.00 in the morning because the   painting. The background, the   out in the back yard - a kind of   film was worth a shit until it was
     couch was going at 9.00 to be   environment, is equally important   trompe l'oeil. The canvas was like   completed. It was called 'A
     re-covered. I was in a panic to   as the person within that   a two-dimensional reality. There   Bigger Waste of Time'. They'd say
     think something up - which I did.   environment. But colour film   were these stuffed heads which her   'Oh, God, you're not still making
     We arrived at 8.00. Henry had   photography and colour   husband had brought back from   that bloody thing are you'. You
     assured me that everyone would   supplement photography is very   Africa and which she had exiled   can't convince people that you are
     be up, but of course no-one was   selective with an out of focus   to the garden, whilst keeping all   doing something wonderful and
     up. (Nobody was ever up.    fore-image, then a face in the   the art in the house. The heads   you just get on with it. It is quite
     Sometimes we waited for about an   middle stretching back and an out   were all round the swimming pool   frustrating doing something over
     hour on David's doorstep.) I had   of focus background. It's certainly   and it looked fantastic. I thought   three or four years. It's very
     to get David up and he was in a   phony. You don't know where a   it was marvellous and I said   wearing. Only David Mingay and
     lousy mood for he had a bit of a   person is within that background.   'Right 'we shoot tomorrow'. I   I  really believed in it. And I had
     hangover and didn't want to do   You cannot geographically   concocted the dream that night   to work at the same time just to
     anything that day. The couch was   understand the image. I never do   and the following day we shot it.   keep me going for this film. We
     going in about an hour and I   that and I don't think that David   KG-Y You shot the film over a   did it entirely on our own and the
     thought that for once I would   Hockney ever does it either.   long period. What was the actual   strength was that there was no
     have to force him. I had    KG-Y The film is centred around   pace?                 producer interest telling us what
     practically to get into the bed to   the one painting isn't it? It is               couldn't be done because it
     coax him up and eventually did   obviously the peg upon which a   JH In 1970 we didn't shoot very   wasn't commercial or insisting
     persuade him to put some clothes   lot hangs. Did you set out with an   much. We shot pictures in the   that we finish tomorrow. I gave
     on. But he was very passive and I                       gallery, we shot David painting.   up trying to work inside an
                                 overall shape in mind?
     had to get David to look a bit                          In 1971 we tried to shoot a lot. I   organization as did David Mingay
                                 JH It was said that that one   went to France, for instance, for   [the BBC] so that we could be
     angry or puzzled and narked for   painting was the most important   eleven days. I didn't want to be
     when David walks through the   thing in David Hockney's life at   there eleven days. David was   independent.
     door and sees Henry, Henry                                                          DM There are costs that you can't
                                 that time. And I suppose I do   there on holiday and wasn't there
     Geldzahler doesn't react and the   believe it was. It took a long time-  when I arrived. It was one of the   cut down on, especially in the
     consequence is that David walks                                                     latter stages, like laboratory and
                                 six months and two weeks. The   most miserable periods of my life.
     out and slams the door. So you                                                      dubbing and these costs are very
                                 whole tension of the movie centres   He'd gone off to Spain and was to
     are right about that sequence.                                                      penalizing. You take a very
                                 round that painting. It said   be back the next day. And of
     David was too passive. I had to                                                    severe financial risk.
                                 'Peter's left David. David tries to   course, he wasn't. He was back
     shoot the sequence five times and
                                 paint Peter once again and   eleven days later. Meanwhile, the   JH On the other hand, the film
     used the fifth take. By the fifth   because he's so upset all the time   rains came. Hailstones went   wasn't shot like a present-day
     time David was furious that he                                                      documentary, cinema direct or
                                 because Peter has left him he can't   through people's houses and
     had to do it so many times and   get on with his paintings. They're   through my car. Eleven days later   cinema verité style. We didn't just
     responded against it. But it was                                                    turn on a button and shoot. We
                                 not coming easily enough'. If you   David arrived, hot from his
     one of the few times that I had to   asked David Hockney about it, he   journey. He took one look at me   knew more or less exactly what we
     shoot more than three takes.   would say that it was purely a   and said 'Oh God! Not you!',   wanted and we only pressed
     KG-Y Could you say something   technical problem and that he   walked out and hours later went   that button when we knew we
     about clearly contrived sequences   couldn't get the perspective   back to Spain. And I was left   were going to get it. So
     like the episode where the bicycle   correct. But in my view there was   without a foot of film in the   consequently, there aren't a great
     is being driven round the corner,   an emotional problem going on.   camera. We came back and I   number of takes. The shooting
     where it doesn't look like any   In fact, after six months he had   didn't shoot anything for six   ratio is three and a half to one,
     feature film I can think of - the   had enough and slashed the   months. David obviously felt bad,   which is extremely low, not 15-20
     camera situated immediately in   painting because he couldn't go   because he had invited me. He   as in some documentaries.
     front of the cyclist and square   any further. But he suddenly got   became very friendly and joked a   KG-Y The film has had a good
     ahead of him.               himself together, flew off to the    lot about me being Cecil B.   reception at festivals hasn't it?
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