Page 75 - Studio International - March April 1975
P. 75

naturalism flirting with hyper-
                                                                      Hockney               realism, move nonchalantly
                                                                                            around"; or: 'The  shower is a
                                                                    Florilegium             cultural cliché exploited by the
                                                                                            mythologies of the Série Noire
                                                                                            novels". Hockney  'an intimist who
                                                                                            paints to depict" is also compared
                                                                  The David Hockney exhibition   with the  'fin de siècle Symbolists,
                                                                 recently presented in Paris, at the   since his painting is so sensitive,
                                                                 Musée des Arts Décoratifs,   intimate, decadent and literary",
                                                                 aroused mainly enthusiastic   but Jacques Michel adds that this
                                                                 comments from the French press.   painting  'belongs to the
                                                                 The simultaneous release of   "modernist" aesthetic of pop art;
                                                                Jack Hazan's film on Hockney,   not so the drawings   . it is they
                                                                'A Bigger Splash', which    which give the clearest idea of
                                                                supplies complementary views on   Hockney's personality   .
                                                                the artist, has in general been   Strangely enough, the style is that
                                                                associated with the exhibition to
                                                                                            of French Pre-Impressionist
                                                                the extent that 'his work is a
                                                                                            drawing, at the time when
                                                                rebus. And it is one of these
                                                                                            realism was discovering the colours
                                                                enigmas that Jack Hazan's film   of life and the taste for rapid and
                                                                has attempted to solve." The   vibrant sketches." Hockney is
                                                                retrospective, grouping thirty   continually praised for his
                                                                paintings and seventy-five   humour:  'Hockney's qualities and
                                                                drawings, enabled the tracing of
         JH Yes. It has been shown at   little details. They were very   the evolution of works which the   limits lie in the freshness of the
         Cannes, in Paris, at Locarno and   important to us.    critics have tried to define and   vision and the humour of the
         New York and of course it opened   DM When Jack and I were   put in context. For one 'Hockney   interpretation   . Relaxed, he
         in Paris to coincide with David   driving to film them, we would   is the survival of the dandyism of   laughs at himself, he laughs at
         Hockney's big retrospective   always slip off at a flower stall so   Oscar Wilde's time in the heart of   fashions but always from the end
         exhibition at the Louvre. It was in   that we could take them in, as a   swinging London"; for another he   of his paintbrush    :6; 'The
         competition at Locarno and won   gift, when we arrived. They   'is without doubt one of the best   ambiguity lies in this strange
         the second Grand Prix and the   probably ended up in the shot, or   painters of his generation"; he is   perpetual mixture of fidelity and
         award for the most outstanding   they were handed to Henry to   also 'a XXth century classic'4.   treachery, offalse naivety and real
         cinematography. It also won an   bring in. On the other hand,   Claude Bouyeure describes him   tenderness, of ferocity and
         award in Chicago.          Henry might even buy his flowers   as being 'beyond trends   .   reserved humour...'3 , and
                                                                                            Pierre Mazars concludes his
         KG-Y The film was to have   before he arrived at David's in his   through passing epochs, schools   article in the 'Figaro' with9:
         opened the London Film Festival   taxi.                and fashions he has only obeyed his   'if there is coldness in this work, it
         wasn't it? But it was thought   KG-Y Some sequences must have   own   .'5, while for Otto Hahn(' he
         unsuitable by the Director of the   taken a lot of setting up. Take, for   'is the English equivalent to Andy   is that of humour.' The
                                                                                            autobiographical nature of the
         British Film Institute, Keith   example, the scene we mentioned   Warhol. But American   work is flatteringly noted :   'His
         Lucas. What do you think made   earlier, in the car when David   aggressiveness remains unfamiliar   work is an intimate diary. It's
         it unsuitable for an auspicious                        to him   .'; José Pierre' contrasts
         night like the First Night of the   Hockney decides to go off and   the vision of reality between the   Proust revealing his emotions in
         Film Festival. The love scene?   look at his painting of Patrick'and   same two painters: 'But where   images and colours   .1, while for
                                    Mo says 'What do you want to do                         Claude Bouyeure: 'Hockney is
         JH Many people say that the love   that for?'          Warhol covers everything with a   Proust's other self. Not a pale
         scene is in bad taste and is only                      sort of funereal glaze, tins of   plagiarism of Proust, but Proust
         there for commercial reasons. We   JH I knew I wanted to plant some   Campbell soup with the face of   freed of the inhibitions and the
         resist that for it is not true at all.   questions for Mo to say for some   Marilyn Monroe, David Hockney   snobbery which gave him that
         The reason it is there is that we are   months. I had a false start. I   on the contrary rejoices in the   painfully admiring or hurt look.'
         treating a gay world, but up to   turned up and although I had   perishable creatures that we are.'   (Can enthusiasm go further?) In
         that moment you don't really   made an arrangement for David   Daniel Marchesseau3  compares   recognizing his voyeur side, the
         know what they do. We wanted to   to do this scene I couldn't get him   Hockney and Warhol 'when the   sharpness of his vision enchants
         bring home to the audience that it   out of bed, something had   hand exposes the legibility of an   them:  'with the help of tiny signs,
         is a gay world — these men are   happened — he was too depressed.   ultra-sophisticated motif '.   he scrapes away the surface, he
         homosexual and make love to   So I abandoned that. Because it   The critics recognize that   digs up, he roots up and unites in a
         men. One of the couple is Peter   was put off and he'd let me down   Hockney holds an original place in   haste both striking and subjective,
         and it shows an infidelity on his   he agreed to let me do it on the   the figurative art of today and   everything constituting
         part. Without the love scene with   following Sunday. It was 'Don't   insist on the literary and cultural   temperament, character,
         boys, it would have made the film   worry chaps, I'll be all right'. But   aspect of his work :   'Hockney   essence, the essential. He becomes
         camp and unreal and we wanted   he wasn't all right on the day. He   multiplies inferences and cultural   excited to arouse our
         to avoid the possibility of that.   was in a terrible state. We had to   references   In this history of art   excitement."
         We treated it as we found it and   mount the camera on the car,   landscape, people who are
         didn't overemphasize it.   which is dodgy and a bit    relations of Bacon and Klee in the   The problem of homosexuality
                                    precarious and takes a lot of time
         KG-Y What about the flowers and   to set up. But believe me, we set it   beginning, then evolving towards a    is of course openly considered by
         Celia? She always seems so   up within seven minutes because
                                    David had no time at all. He was
         DM Celia is a very individual   very nervous and very impatient.
         woman and her home, for    The fact that he was in such a bad
         instance, is very similar to   state meant that when Mo fed him
         David's and probably her style of   these questions, his response looks
         decor has some influence on   very real. He couldn't really
         David. She had to have a few   concentrate on the answers and
         hours' notice in which to prepare   looks very jumpy and nervous.
         herself, which distinguishes her   This appears in the movie as
         from the others in the movie. She   terribly naturalistic and real. We
         also used to arrange flowers   had to stop for a close shot and
         before she was shot and buy them   whatever in which David ran
         first. And she arranged the decor.   upstairs and got into the car and
         JH We brought a lot of flowers   was off again. It was a hell of a
         because I got this idea that people,   tense morning. We also shot the
         when they went round to    scene at Patrick Procktor's with
         somebody's house, should always   Patrick in the background
         take flowers. I don't know whether   mysteriously spying on him. And
         they really do. But because you   before you ask, we did ask him to
         see so many around, every time   threaten the painting with the
         someone called on someone in the   cigarette lighter. It is a created
         movie they always took flowers.   event.
         We paid a lot of attention to the
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