Page 71 - Studio International - March April 1975
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attitudes provide a strong   should not overlook it. Nowhere   unknown but the logic of the   Altman's concrete-poetry
         undercurrent of sympathy for   else are they likely to find   situation drives out colleagues   oriented institute in Vaduz; for
         experimentation.            quasi-academic discussions on   into extreme situations pretty   instance.)
           Chevallier's aims came to   the history of employing sperm for   quickly.          And last, the most august
         fruition in 'Art Press'. Catherine   creative purposes. Joseph Beuys,   One cannot make accusations   example of its kind: `L'Oeil'
         Millet has built a stronghold for   Manzoni and Daniel Spoerri   because the evidence for these   (cost per issue 25NF ; £2.50).
         orthodox avant gardism and its   belong to its obsolete band of   assertions would not stand up in   Under its comparatively new
         sacred precinct is open to a   heroes but one cannot help   a court of law. It is better to speak   management 'L'Oeil' has begun
         hitherto neglected group of the   feeling a measure of nostalgic   of impressions when one   to publish very well-written
         elect. She appears to have   regret before their innocence. The   discusses the glossy press -  articles on contemporary
         recognized that revolutions of   confidence which inspired their   (although, in fairness to the   phenomena as well. These
         any kind, including revolutions   negative gestures is gone and the   glossies, it should be added that   columns observe an almost
         of taste, are only the      fatal blow to neo-capitalism was   the best offset-papers are house   Anglo-Saxon respect for facts and
         intellectual's business and her   delivered by ignorance and greed;   journals!)   they are mercifully free from the
         magazine caters for a rebellious   not by art. 'Artitudes   'Cimaise' (cost per issue 35NF ;   Gallic disease of empty, pompous
         independence of spirit. Her group   International' employs the offset   £3.50) is perhaps the most   and sentimental jargon. The
         has reached axiomatic       of propaganda for the forgotten   suspect example of the genre   illustrations in 'L'Oeil' are
         conclusions and it no longer   causes of optimism and its   because it has no line of its own   probably the finest published in
         concerns itself with the attempt to   illustrations are redolent with   at all. It carries only panegyrics   any journal known to art
         overthrow ancien régimes - (it   childish records of a heady   and most of them are atrociously   historians and now that its
         considers them defunct). In her   enthusiasm - which is infectious   argued but the illustrations are of   purview includes photography,
         view the new dawn has already   in its ways but more or less   a high quality - and they at any   the strip cartoon and up-to-date
         arrived and her companions   irrelevant. The typography is also   rate are of high informative value.   art, in addition to a personal and
         disentangle the hoary       designed to evoke nostalgia for   Another exceptional feature is   exciting selection of bookreviews,
         problematics of a creed with the   'Les Temps Perdus'. (Cost per   the English translation which   its predominantly traditional
         ancient zeal of scholasticism.   issue 8NF; 80p.)      accompanies each and every text;   character should not deter any
         Her allies make no concessions   The rest of the story is easily   and its illiterate felicities provide   longer. Its news section is well-
         to ease of comprehension. Their   told; in fact a good deal too easily   entertainment of a very high   edited and the stand it has adopted
         ideals are ascetic as well as   because the narrative is   order. Unintentionally, of course.   is bound to ensure that the
         narrow - and they apply them   necessarily incomplete. Libel   'Opus International' (cost   readers of `L'Oeil' have a
         with a rigour which is militant.   laws prevent one from aiming at   per issue 2ONF; £2) strikes one as   historically informed approach
         They address themselves to an   a complete account, It is only too   a good deal freer; on the other   towards avant-gardism: it thus
         inner circle of converts; to the   well known that galleries exert   hand, its obsessive interest in   fulfils an essential function.
         intelligentsia of a professional   considerable power over editors   minor events gives it an air of   Kenneth Robertson
         revolution - and the rigidity of   and publishers through publicity.   claustrophobia. This is reinforced
         their principles is modelled on the   From time to time they must be   by a preoccupation with numbers,
         Papal doctrine of infallibility   recompensed for the advertising   multitudes, fragmentation and
         when they set out to establish new   revenue they provide for our art   fragmentariness. It seems as   9th
         criteria of excellence; and many   journals - and the editor, who   though it wished to survey an
         of these criteria come from Mao's   has high moral standards, is   endless quantity of local   International
         little red book. Their performance   often driven to subterfuge and   phenomena in order to attract
         is, astonishingly enough,   ruse to defend his reputation when   publicity; it carries too many   Biennale
         exhilarating. The right motivation   his financiers present their   postage stamp sized illustrations
         has prompted their passion and   demands to him. There are varied   which cannot be deciphered even   Exhibition
         their passion conceals very   reasons for the power galleries   with the help of a magnifying
         real sources of anger. They have   have over journalism. Exhibitions   glass. Its typography is repellent   of Prints
         also succeded in identifying the   are in many ways the counterpart   and the writing betrays a fatal
         most influential section of the   of publication but books sell for a   lack of editorial control. The tone   in Tokyo
         art-conscious public and they   variety of reasons - whereas art   is always hurried - as though
         have learnt to adapt their speech   sells only when success can be   contributors submitted their
         to its need. The high seriousness   translated into public acclaim.   pieces at the very last moment   This year's Tokyo Print
         of their tone has expelled the   A large publishing house   and inspired only by the (modest?)   Biennale opened at the National
         spirit of the money-lenders from   launches a much larger number of   fee they are about to receive for   Museum of Modern Art in
         their temple and it has     individual issues (books or   their articles. Each paragraph   Tokyo on 16 November and will
         reintroduced terms of a belief in   authors) than a gallery; and thus   displays its own self-conscious   remain on view there until the
         moral absolutes - without which   a gallery's investment in an artist   insignificance.   12 January, 1975, when it will
         art cannot be discussed     is correspondingly higher. In the   'Galerie/Jardin des Arts' (cost   move to Kyoto.
         satisfactorily. (Art is often   circumstances pressures from   per issue 9.50NF: 90p) is a more   Just over three-hundred prints
         disregarded by the critics of 'Art   capital are considerable (let us   useful example of the genre   are on exhibition from all over
         Press' due to their fervour to   say, more concentrated) and few   although it is not directly   the world and this is about the
         identify imperatives : because   editors can resist them   involved in contemporary art.   same number as in previous years.
         imperatives are in fact more easily   completely. There is only one way   In fact, it is primarily devoted to a   This year, howeVer, the selection
         discussed in words than art. They   out of the quandary. There are   survey of the pre-1945 scene but its   method has been changed and
         are much too eager to dissect   good artists about; there are   excursions into the present are   there are fewer artists, each
         verbal abstractions but their heart   artists whose work appeals to   honourable attempts to be   showing more prints.
         is in the right place and their   editors and their associates. It is,   informative - on a superficial   In previous years there has
         challenge to Clement Greenberg is   therefore, not altogether   level. It is a strange hybrid   always been a sizeable Japanese
         altogether timely; the rightwing   dishonourable to arrange a   between our 'Arts Review' and   section in the exhibition and
         aesthetics of 'quality' are no   meeting of interests and to   'Pantheon' (Munich); it marries   artists from other countries have
         longer tenable). It is, therefore,   satisfy the demands for publicity   the former's lack of seriousness   been nominated by national
         sad to record that 'Art Press' is   with articles composed by critics   with the latter's traditional   bodies such as the British Council
         also dedicated to publicity of a   with a genuine predilection for   interests.    in the UK. Each country had its
         kind. Catherine Millet is married   one kind of work or another.   'Connaissance des Arts' is also   own section, however small, and
         to Daniel Templon and the   This is one extreme; and there is   devoted to the survey of the   visitors could easily make
         Galerie Templon exercises a   another, much sadder and no less   traditional scene but with greater   comparisons between the
         reciprocal influence on her career.   common position vis-à-vis such   elegance, panache and style. The   liveliness or otherwise of
         Ironically, the Galerie Templon   demands. The first kind of editor   quality of the illustrations is high   printmaking in different countries.
         has recently become the foothold   chooses subjects to his own liking   and from time to time it carries   Even the prizes, either by chance
         of Greenberg's Americans in   from a gallery stable and he   impressively argued texts. Its   or design, tended to be spread
         Europe - in addition to its more   looks around for a critic who   preoccupations are not   over the various countries.
         important role as the stage for   shares his own enthusiasm for the   altogether classical and articles   All this has now been changed
         innovation in Paris. (Cost per   work before he commissions a   on contemporary object-inspired   and three large zones have
         issue 7NF; 70p.)            text - and he publishes only   art are not infrequent. It prints   replaced individual countries. No
          'Artitudes International' is a   essays of a high quality; whereas   partial but useful news and even   country now has a right to be
         less well-written runner from the   the second kind accepts gallery   avant-garde events don't escape   invited to nominate artists for the
         same stable. It provides    suggestions without modification   notice in these cleverly compiled   exhibition. Instead about forty
         supplementary information on   and employs critics willing to   columns. (To the best of my   artists per zone were nominated
         borderline activities and readers   celebrate anything for a fee.   knowledge, only 'Connaissance   by the two correspondents in
         interested in video and body art    Intermediate positions are not    des Arts' paid tribute to Roberto    each zone to the Biennale
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