Page 13 - Studio International - May 1971
P. 13

numbers, or again that there is a call for art and   available to as many people as possible'   courses submitted for approval within Group B'.
            design courses at foundation level for their own   (Foreword); `... the spectrum of the population   The phrase 'in this area' relates to the Three-
            sake (although this last assumes that at the end   for whom some form of education is available   Dimensional Design, even so by imagining two
            of their time students apply for a Diploma place   (should) be broadened rather than narrowed'   commas the sentence can be read to mean all 3D
            for the sake of appearances). Clearly it is not good   (para 126); 'Whatever machinery is adopted for   courses will become four-year Group B courses:
            enough simply to cut the total intake into the art   the government and administration of a college   `It seems likely that design courses in this area,
            and design education, thus denying any form of   it should be one that promotes the full   which have a professional or industrial
            post-school education to those who currently at   development of the individual as the central   orientation, will largely give way, etc etc.' The
            least get a year on a foundation course. The   purpose of education ... the college as a whole   sense and the grammar of the sentence might
            strategy should be to provide an alternative to   should reflect this value' (para 157).   have been improved if it had been written: 'It
            foundation courses before curbing their rate of   How might these ideals be pursued within the   seems likely that those design courses in this area
            expansion. Further, the purpose of a foundation   system described in the report ?   which have a professional or industrial
            course is not confined to the preparation of   First, the range of courses prepared is   orientation, etc etc.'
            students for the DipAD, although the report   extensive. The report recommends that all   My own feeling is that there should be only a
            presents this as its primary function. Some   advanced courses should come within the   few B courses but that largely rests with the
            students will go directly into employment from   DipAD; this is an attempt to get rid of all insidious   colleges because it is they, not the NCDAD, who
            a foundation course, others will go into some   distinctions between one kind of advanced   decide what courses to submit for recognition.
            other form of education. It is important to   course and another. In order to widen the range   Another fear is that the overall number of
            retain this aspect of foundation courses for the   of opportunities open to students within the   Diploma places will be limited to the number of
            following reasons. There is no advantage in   DipAD system (para I17) a greater flexibility of   people who may expect to find employment as
            having a two-stage selection guidance system   approach is recommended (para 23). Two   professional designers, artists or teachers. Such
            into the DipAD if getting through the first stage   proposals are made to give this increased   a policy would confine art and design to a
            almost certainly leads to a way through the   flexibility: 1) Courses need not be confined to   technical background of the educational system.
            second, or if there is no suitable alternative to   the four areas (Fine Art, Graphics, Three-  It would show a short-sighted view of education
            DipAD within reach of those at the second   Dimensional Design, Fashion and Textiles)   and a closed-shop attitude to design. Of course
            stage. If foundation courses are 'to give all   proposed in the first Coldstream report (paras   the report recommends nothing of the kind. It
            students, whatever the nature of their previous   24, 27, and 3o); 2) Courses may be run as   does suggest that vocational and professional
            education, an equal opportunity to develop their   foundation year plus a three-year course, or as a   courses should be related to employment
            talents and discover their interests' (para 64),   straight four-year course (para 23). There are   opportunities (para 121) although not too
            then the intake must include some people whose   already developments away from strict   strictly, but says that the aim should be to
            previous education has been weak generally or   regard for the four areas. Recently colleges have   provide places for all applicants likely to benefit
            in particular in art and design. The number of   been invited to comment on the desirability of a   from a high level course and that this number
            these who subsequently choose some future   course which would combine studies in design   will exceed the number of students on
            other than the DipAD may be high. The     and education, and some polytechnics are   professional courses (para 161). Paragraphs 164
            question is : What proportion of foundation   proposing to develop courses which combine   and 165 enlarge on the need for new kinds of
            course students should there be, over and above   design with subjects normally in the preview of   courses and point to the contribution the art
            those being prepared for DipAD ?          the Council of National Academic Awards. The   colleges could make to a general education at an
              Alongside the DipAD the technician courses,   proposal to introduce four-year courses has met   advanced level. One of the most important
            and more particularly the general courses, should   with a deal of criticism, but much of it at the   sentences reads 'We would... expect to see
            provide opportunities for people currently   banal level of suggesting that reference to them   within the DipAD system courses concerned
            inappropriately served by foundation courses.   as A and B courses indicates a status difference.   with design analysis and synthesis applied to a
            Local Authorities have the freedom to run any   If the DipAD is to provide a comprehensive   range of systems and artifacts.' (My italics). I
            additional courses. It is in these three areas that   range of higher education courses it must contain   believe that if the art colleges are going to thrive
            expansion must take place if art colleges are not   some courses geared to particular professions in   and expand to help meet the demand for
            to be as middle class as the universities are and   the art and design field. People involved in   education, then they must broaden their area of
            the polytechnics are doomed to become.    running such courses argue that four years of   interest beyond the traditional subjects of
                                                      co-ordinated study is a necessity. Many critics   design. One important way of doing this is to
            GREATER EQUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL           have argued that the intention of the report is   develop their study of the process rather than
            OPPORTUNITY                               that all design courses shall become four years,   concentrating simply on the products of design.
            Of course it is not simply a question of   leaving only fine-art courses as they are now.   I am convinced that design, in this sense, is basic
            providing alternative courses at sub-diploma   Such an interpretation would be plain silly. It   education leading to greater effectiveness in
            level for the working classes, but rather it is one   presupposes a desire to split art from design,   coping with everyday problems, and to a fuller
            of providing varied and suitable ways into the   which is contrary to the recommendation to   enjoyment of our culture. This widening of
            system, a comprehensive choice within the   break down the barriers between the areas. It   horizons will allow art and design to make an
            system, and a variety of ways of leaving it. That,   would compromise the principle of the   important contribution to general education at
            no less, is our old friend the network system in   foundation year giving people a chance to   all levels.
            its proper sense, and not confused with cafeteria-  choose their field of interest. It would mean an   The idea then is that within the DipAD a
            style help-yourself courses with which it has   over-production of specialized professional   range of professional, general and academic
            been identified in much of the talk about art   designers. The reason of this misinterpretation   courses might be developed, having in common
            education since the glorious summer of 1968.   is quite plain. There is an ambiguous sentence in   that they imply a high level of attainment. The
               The joint committee report does make an   the report which has allowed those expecting the   report recommends two other forms of provision
            attempt to regard art and design education as a   worst to read the worst into it.   to make up the main part of the system:
            whole, and the system that it recommends could   In paragraph 26 under the heading of Three-  technician and general courses. Technician
            provide a foundation upon which its ideals   Dimensional Design the following sentence   courses are for people of sixteen or seventeen
            might eventually be realized.             appears; 'It seems likely that design courses in   who want to be trained for a variety of technical
               These principles appear in the report:   this area which have a professional or industrial   jobs which currently exist. This suggestion has
            `Further education after leaving school should be    orientation will largely give way to remodelled    occasioned a certain furore, it being suggested

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