Page 17 - Studio International - May 1971
P. 17

of the underlying values of industrialization.   Another wing of the art-world certainly adopts   systems—and also people, who are themselves
              I am not suggesting that such a critique   a serious mien, but when I read such   transformed by industrial life.
           should be `anti-American'; for the problems of   representative statements as Seth Siegelaub's   One of the problems of APG has been in
           the USA are ours. Industrialization has been   `There are really two types of people: artists and   communication to all the parties concerned; and
           one of the central themes of social criticism   everyone else', or Joseph Kosuth's 'Art's only   the difficult idiolect used by John Latham has
           since the early nineteenth century, when it was   claim is for art. Art is the definition of art', I feel   not always helped matters. However, its
           Britain who led the world in technology.   that they are prolonging the romantic     subsidy by the Arts Council will surely be
           Raymond Williams's Culture and Society 1780-  nineteenth-century notion of art as a   looked back on as one of the latter's most far-
           1950 is an important document here, especially   specialized activity, which emerged (in defiance   sighted decisions. No-one can pretend that APG
           the chapter on Ruskin and Morris.         of the word's etymology) as a basis for the   has set itself an easy job; but the interest of
              According to Theodore Roszak, author of   critique of industrialism, but which was   industrialists, financiers and union leaders will
           The Making of a Counter Culture, an alternative   decisively rejected by William Morris at the end   certainly not slacken, if only because it breaks
           to the industrialized culture is emerging which   of that century. The terms in which Morris did   the monotony of their daily routine, but also for
           rejects the 'prying curiosity' of the scientist and   so amount to a prophecy of some conceptual art:   the more serious reason that there is now fairly
           the 'lust for power' of the technologist; which   An art cultivated professedly by a few, and for a   wide recognition of the vulnerability of
           turns back to a wronged but charismatic nature,   few, who would consider it necessary—a duty if   industrial orthodoxies.
           and redefines knowledge as love. In a recent   they could admit duties— to despise the common   The real fault is that of artists, for not taking
           lecture at the Royal College, Roszak predicted a   herd, to hold themselves aloof from all that the   up the new challenges. The facile anti-
           split in the ecology movement as one section of   world has been struggling for from the first, to   capitalist postures of Bond Street artists like Joe
           its adherents realize that their feelings of   guard carefully every approach to their palace of   Tilson do not help. It may have been
           religious or magical communion with nature   art ... that art at last will seem too delicate a thing   encouraging for the postmen to have their
           have no scientific justification or support.   for even the hands of the initiated to touch; and the   strike fund augmented by the proceeds from a
              Roszak is a poet or itinerant evangelist. A   initiated must at last sit still and do nothing—to the   special postage-stamp by Hockney depicting a
           man who tells a commuter audience that they   grief of no one.                       vase of tulips (published by Edizioni 0); but
           should respect primitive peoples, or General   Morris believed `The cause of Art is the cause   this is not winning back art to the daily labour of
           Electric executives that the best thing they can   of the people. . . .One day we shall win back Art,   the people—it is a favour tossed from Mayfair. A
           do is go out of business, is clearly a valuable   that is to say the pleasure of life: win back Art to   more relevant recent event (though I cannot say
           stimulus. But in so far as he offers solutions they   our daily labour'. This is still a valid goal, and it   it was well executed) was the exhibition at the
           are implausibly simple.                   is what matters in Morris, the early Soviet artists   Sigi Krauss Gallery focussing on the 'dirty jobs'
              There will always be those who drop out of   and the Bauhaus, much more than their detailed   strike last year.
           industrialization: some who would go insane if   prescriptions.                        The lack of interest in industry from most
           they did not, and some whose commitment to   Artists today should accept that they are   art schools is scandalous. There is much truth in
           ideals peripheral to the major issues racking   living not in a local economic recession only, but   Sjoerd Hannema's Fads, Fakes and Fantasies:
           society is a real inspiration. The nostalgic   against a permanent worldwide background of   The Crisis in the Art Schools and the Crisis in Art
           painting of Peter Blake is an honourable   economic crisis and political and social tension.   (Macdonald, 1970). I see this book as a claim for
           example; but it can only be taken seriously as   Seen thus, the principles of the Artist Placement   provincial values against the dominance of the
           art by those for whom adult life is such a strain   Group are well-founded, better so than those of   metropolis. Hannema barely touches on the
           that they can sustain sensitivity and tenderness   the more opportunistic and pragmatic   issues raised at Hornsey, and he identifies a
           of feeling only by reverting to a childhood   Experiments in Art and Technology in New   tradition of 'anti-art' which somehow embraces
           world.                                    York. APG rejects as models the artist/technician   Picasso, Pollock and Hockney. There is a lot to
             There is little art practised today that is   relationship, the sponsorship of one-off projects   be said for the art schools against Hannema's
           serious, and most of the major reputations are   by companies, and the supply of materials.   attack, and of course they should not be
           over-inflated. The brilliant virtuosity and   Artists, they argue, should not just use new   swallowed up by polytechnics. But it should be
           seeming freshness of Warhol or Richard    techniques, but confront industry in a wider   urged that, just as many of them were founded
           Hamilton—celebrated with equal virtuosity by   sense—studying the total resources of a given   to serve industry in the nineteenth century by
           Richard Morphet in his Tate catalogues—   company or industry by which inputs are   providing design skills, so they could now serve
           resembles the insidious glamour of cosmetics to   transformed into outputs through industrial   industry again by helping to revitalize its ailing
           which, in Death in Venice, the dying von   processes. 'Total resources' includes raw
           Aschenbach resorts amid a plague-stricken city.   materials, capital equipment, accounting    JONATHAN BENTHALL

           Art and industry
           American fragmentation bombs, containing steel
           splinters or arrows, are often coloured and shaped to
           look like various fruits (oranges, pineapples, mangoes,
           etc.) and named after the particular fruit. They are not
           of the type that is left around as a bait, but are dropped
           from aircraft, lending colour and harmony to a
           monotonous routine. Thus their function, like that of
           much of the art discussed in this article, may be classed
           as purely aesthetic.
           (photo by Professor and Mrs Steven Rose,
           December 1970; most of the weaponry was picked up
           after November noth bombing raid over Hanoi)

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