Page 16 - Studio International - May 1971
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sculpture by her was dependent upon a suitable   per cent in the price which anyone else would   Art in recession
    site being found. With this in mind Dame   have had to pay at the Gallery, and this offer was
    Barbara, who lives in Cornwall, came to London   accepted.                          Technology and art 25
    in the Spring of 1970 to look at certain of our
    parks. Following her visit she wrote to me of   A group of a hundred artists and others met
    Dulwich Park: 'Everything was looking so   on the lawns of Rabindra Bhavan, New Delhi on
    beautiful; but we seemed to fly straight to the   December 20, 1970 to organize an all-India
    chosen spot and I have never seen a more lovely   move of protest against the Triennale and the
    site for an eight- to nine-feet sculpture in my   Lalit Kala Akademi. Artists from Ahmedabad,
    life. From every point of view there was a most   Baroda, Madras and Srinagar had specially
    glorious background of trees and varied bushes,   come to attend this meeting. Artists from
    all of extreme grace, and a slight rise in the   different regions submitted the final list of artists
    ground from one point of view which would   who have decided to boycott the Triennale and
    particularly suit the sculpture I have in mind'.   the Lalit Kala Akademi until it is
      This was reported to the Arts Sub-      fundamentally re-constituted. Vrishchik has
    Committee, who at their meeting in June 1970   submitted the list of signatories. The total
    decided to purchase Divided Circle and place it   number of artists in dissent has reached 150.
    in Dulwich Park. The Sub-Committee were   An ad-hoc committee of protest was made by
    aware that they were purchasing one of an   the artists present with names of artists suggested
    `edition of six' and that this is a perfectly   from different cities. The meeting resolved to
    normal transaction where bronze casts of   form an Arts Council of India to look after the
    sculpture are concerned. Nevertheless I asked   interests of working artists.
    for, and received, an assurance from Dame
    Barbara Hepworth that no other cast of Divided                                       We are in an economic recession, in case you
                                              Arguments that there are 'far too many art
    Circle would be placed on permanent display in   students' were refuted by Lord Eccles, Minister   hadn't noticed. All round, people working in the
    Greater London.                           with responsibility for the Arts, at a recent prize   arts, whether dependent on official grants or
      Dame Barbara informs me that she has    presentation in London. He was constantly being   British Steel's advertising budget, are
    recently lent another cast of Divided Circle to   told this, he said, and it was true that there were   tightening their belts for a lean year of so, like
    Coventry Cathedral for display within their   not enough jobs for the students and they could   others who depend on a high level of consumer
                                              not all make their livelihood in the arts.
    precincts for a limited period, but I feel that it   `But people studying social sciences don't all   spending and economic confidence .The
    would be a pity if Londoners had to make a   make their livelihoods in the social sciences, I can   situation is not much better in the USA. A good
    special journey of nearly 100 miles to enjoy this   tell you, let alone the people learning ancient   time for thinking.
                                              Greek. In my opinion, it would be a terrible
    great work of art.                                                                     It is no good complaining that art has fallen
      The honourable gentleman, who is a      mistake to restrict the number of places at art   into the category of a marginal or leisure
                                              colleges just because it is certain that not always a
    member of my Committee, should be aware that   fraction of the students are going to get their   activity. If this is so, it is the fault not of the
    it is an accepted practice to make a specified   Sunday joints for the rest of their lives by   public, or the art-dealers or the Conservatives,
    number of casts of a work of sculpture in   practising art. Art is an awfully good kind of   but for the most part of artists themselves. Some
    bronze. Perhaps he does not know that     education in its own right. Whether you are going   artists think the world owes them a living, and
                                              to be window-cleaners, or housewives, I think art
    foundries often make a charge to the sculptor of                                     grumble when the world defaults. Others seem
                                              is a good way of preparing yourself for the world.'
    several thousands pounds for each bronze cast.   Lord Eccles, speaking at the Federation of   to accept that they are luxuries or novelties,
    Question by Mr Tremlett: Does the Chairman   British Artists' former galleries in Suffolk Street,   over-priced when times are easy and useless
    recall the Arts Committee was led to believe that   SWI, was presenting the prizes for this year's   when times are hard. Others are successful
    the other five copies would probably be on   Stowells Trophy, the open painting competition   enough in their careers to ride through a bad
                                              for students at the main art colleges.
    display abroad ?                                                                     year, or hope that the German art market will
       Reply : No. The Arts Sub-Committee did                                            stay firm.
     take the view that if any other generous person   Editions Alecto opened a new gallery and   No doubt the economic cycle in Britain will
                                              workshop at their premises at 27 Kelso Place,
    or body was minded to commission a piece of   London W8, in mid-April. Alecto International,   turn upwards in a year or two; it may be doing
    Dame Barbara's for the enjoyment of Greater   a newly-formed company, is to provide complete   so already. But these are short-term local
    London they would prefer Londoners should   `galleries' (conceived as multiples) which will be   fluctuations, depend on some very specific
    have the benefit of seeing a different piece of her   shown at leading museums and department stores   factors (labour relations, exchange rates, credit
    work in addition to the one we were going to   round the world. These 'galleries' will contain a   restrictions etc.). If we look at the longer-term
                                              complete collection of Alecto's graphics and
    purchase. There was certainly no suggestion she   multiples, which range in price from £1  to £1000.   world situation, it is clear that there is a crisis of
    should not be free to make her work available to                                     larger dimensions. One of its symptoms is the
    Bolton or Coventry and we didn't consider   Kumi Sugai's first London one-man show,   loss of faith by the industrialized nations in the
    whether New York or Chicago should have an   at the Circle Gallery, 9/13 Grosvenor Street,   imperative of economic growth. In the USA
    embargo placed upon them. They have both   London WI, (until May 15) includes a group of   groups of citizens in every walk of life are
    sought pieces of this great work.          major new paintings.                      campaigning for 'environmental quality'.
    Question by Mr Illtyd Harrington: Will he                                            `Ecotips' are published for housewives,
    convey to Dame Barbara that some of us in this   Twenty-four British sculptors are to be   instructing them to recycle cans, wash their
    Council have aesthetic inclinations and we are   commissioned by Peter Stuyvesant Foundation   linen in biodegradable detergents, and refuse to
                                               to produce proposals for works to be erected on
    not all Philistines ?                      public sites in eight British cities. Project co-  buy expensively packaged goods. Healthy as this
       Reply: I think Dame Barbara is very happy   ordinator is Jeremy Rees, director of the   public concern is, the more perceptive social
    for her work to be seen anywhere and it was as a   Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol; Phillip King, the   critics are realizing that the economic, military
    gesture of generosity on her part that when the   sculptor, and Stewart Mason, director of   and political power of the USA affects the
                                               education for Leicestershire, will nominate
     Council was minded to make this purchase she   sculptors and select proposals; and the Arts   `environmental quality' of many foreign nations
    suggested to me that for the benefit of Greater   Council will support the project with a series of   as well—most damagingly, South-East Asia—
    Londoners she would make a reduction of 25    related documentary exhibitions.       and that what is needed is a radical reassessment

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