Page 15 - Studio International - May 1971
P. 15
be more staff training programmes (para 156). Correspondence News and notes
All this could suggest a shift in role for the
NCDAD involving the greater development of
its information gathering and advisory roles. Science/art Boundaries `Homage to de Sausmarez'
My main contentions are 1) that art and
There has been a lot of talk in your pages about Geri Morgan, principal of Byam Shaw School of
design, properly developed, has much to offer to
the importance of Science to Art and vice-versa. Art, London writes : The idea of the 'Homage to
general education in the future, and that this May I contribute my thoughts in two short Maurice de Sausmarez' exhibition, which will
aspect of the system should be developed; pieces both on the same theme ? run from June 15 to July 3 at the Upper
2) that the recommendations of the report could The references to Art are implicit rather than Grosvenor Gallery, came from students at the
be used as a starting point for reshaping the stated. And please overlook that at least one Byam Shaw School where de Sausmarez was
system to cope with tomorrow's education. I have
piece is written in poetic form: it is a thought principal from 1962 until his death in 1969. An
suggested that weakness lies in the difficulty of
about Art and Science all the same. exhibition would, the students felt, do more than
co-ordinating the development of locally
You may notice that I see no eternal boundary simply raise money for the Trust Fund for the
controlled courses.
between what is called Science and Art today. I education of his children, although this is central
Whether or not the DES, the Local
even suggest that the Egyptian equivalent of our to its function; it would commemorate the man
Authorities, and the NCDAD act to cope with
Science is respected by us as Egyptian Art today. as a painter and allow many distinguished artists
the problems, and realize the aims of education who knew him to show their work.
in the seventies and eighties, remains to be seen.
Science extends in two directions— Byam Shaw students are precisely aware of
My guess is that more will be gained by high-
One scientist builds a World Picture the revolution which de Sausmarez made in the
lighting the radical theme underlying the report, school. In 1962 a high proportion of day students
than by shrill protest about the way in which a (Darwin for instance). were part-time, grant-aided students a tiny
most reactionary government could interpret The second discovers how to manipulate minority, studios under-used. De Sausmarez's
the World to make it express an idea
the recommendations in order to cut back on art concept of a highly professional independent
and design education. If a cut-back comes, it more strongly (the Soap Powder scientists). school free of the limitation of the academically
Egyptian Paintings of Nature
will not be the report which is being implemented and the Invention of the Pyramids respectable DipAD system had, by the time of
so much as the cries of over-zealous critics, the are instances from an earlier time. his death, become a reality. Almost two-thirds of
most vociferous of whom has been the UK students at the school are now grant-aided;
Association of Teachers in Technical We try applications are many times more than available
Institutions, the very body supposed to be to reveal ourselves places; the need for a fine-art school where talent
protecting jobs for teachers. q in a tiny and commitment would be a more important
drawing qualification for entry than academic attainment
COMPARATIVE GROWTH RATES in the moment or nationality has been shown to exist.
Total number of young people in thousands alone
Given the generous support of the Upper
(to the nearest ten thousand) with another Grosvenor Galleries, the students have also been
1959 1968 % growth overwhelmed by the response of artists.
With Motorways
Number of 17,18, Amongst many others who will be showing are
and 19-year-olds in Slogans Hockney, Hoyland, Martin, Moore, Nicholson,
and a Crude idea of
England and Wales 2170 2480 14% Riley, Sedgley and Tilson.
we brutishly
Total number of full-time students in thousands reflect ourselves
(to the nearest thousand) into every Hepworth sculpture in Dulwich
1959 1961 1968 % growth sensation. [The following discussion took place at a meeting
of the Greater London Council on 23 March
And if anyone feels moved to classify these two 1971 and is published here for the record.]
HIGHER EDUCATION: pieces as Scientific Thoughts rather than Artistic Mr George Tremlett asked the Chairman of
Universities 107 217 +102% Expressions or vice-versa I would be intrigued the Arts and Recreation Committee:
Colleges of to hear it! (i) Does he agree that in press release (285) dated
Education 40 119 +198% Michael Andrews 15 June 1970, regarding the purchase of a
Advanced Further Sheffield sculpture by Dame Barbara Hepworth called
Education 28 84 +200% Divided Circle which is sited in Dulwich Park
FURTHER EDUCATION 2547 3332 31% Museum charges
(Southwark), Dame Barbara was reported to
Conrad Atkinson objects (your April issue) to have enthusiastically exclaimed 'I have never
the way Tim Hilton 'misunderstands' Lord seen a more lovely site for an eight- to nine-foot
Students in Art Colleges in thousands Eccles. Groovy letter, that! What I object to is sculpture in my life... I would never want to
(whole numbers to the nearest thousand) the way Mr Hilton knocks the directors of the look at any other site after this one' ?
1959 1968 % growth
Tate and the National Portrait Gallery and the (ii) Is he aware that an identical title is on
Tate trustees. At least these people stood up and
display in the precincts of Coventry Cathedral ?
Total Number (iii) In view of the fact that this so-called work
112 —13%
made their objections. But this isn't just an issue
Evening classes 76 of art is obviously being duplicated even in this
for the arty boys. What about the British
Part-time day 38 country, will he ask Dame Barbara to
Museum trustees, the people responsible for the
15 27 +80%
Full-time substantially reduce the £14,850 fee she is
NDD/Dip AD 42 6.7 +60% Science Museum and all the other national receiving for it from this Council ?
ATD/ATC museums, the spokesmen from H.M.'s
0'49 +44%
Opposition, the National Union of Teachers and Mr Harold H. Sebag-Montefiore replied:
other unions ? Have they come out so clearly ? (i) to (iii) When Dame Barbara Hepworth was
1`The Structure of Art and Design Education', Robert Walker approached in November 1969 it was agreed at
HMSO 1970. the outset that the purchase of a work of
'Taken after DipAD. Nottingham