Page 14 - Studio International - May 1971
P. 14
that this is a second-class course for those denied The general courses could be specifically 110, 126); the second is that emphasis should be
the chance of doing a diploma course because constructed as a whole network system so that shifted from selection of students for courses to
the numbers there are to be restricted. Clearly anybody wishing to start could do so, and then the selection of courses for students. This is
it would be iniquitous if that were so, mostly be helped to develop his abilities in the direction reflected in the terms in which foundation
because it would keep out the people for whom his interests took him. This function of the courses are discussed (para 57(ii) and 65), and
technician courses are intended. It is part of general courses would be lost if they developed the recommendation that applicants be better
middle-class mythology that the liberal into an alternative preparation for DipAD, for informed of the choices open to them (para 154).
education enshrined in the ideals of the DipAD those without 5 '0' levels, but this should be one The biggest difficulty would be co-ordinating
and the university degree automatically appeals of the paths through the network. Paragraph 125 developments in different parts of the system—
to everybody. It simply is not true that every says that people from these general courses controlled as they are by different bodies. The
school leaver, given the chance, would opt for should 'be no less eligible for entry to art and report recommends that foundation and diploma
a degree course or its equivalent: for many an design courses for which they are suitably courses both come under the NCDAD. The
education course is a meal ticket, and the best qualified'. The final phrase should not be technician courses, under a different body, could
courses lead to known and understood jobs. interpreted to mean the possession of five '0' nevertheless be co-ordinated, and in my view it
Failure to recognize this is a sure way of keeping levels, nor indeed is there any reason why it is necessary that they are. But the two parts
education exclusively for the middle class. should, when paragraph 71 says : 'Colleges shall where most of the sorting out and guidance can
Paragraph 122 identifies the need to provide not rule out potential applicants whose work in take place—the general courses and the schools—
education for people who are not inclined art and design is judged to be of a quality to suit would fall in a different section of the education
towards specialist or academic courses. them to a diploma course simply on the grounds system altogether. It is in these two sections that
Currently many of these people have no that they have not obtained five '0' level passes'. the key to providing greater equality of
post-school education, or are ill served by The technician courses need rather different opportunity is to be found. It would be a
inappropriate foundation or 'vocational' treatment. They are to provide an opportunity retrogressive step if the opportunities for post-
courses. The report proposes a general course for people seeking specialized training for a school education actually lessened because
either 'based in art' or 'with a significant art known job. They will fail the very students they reorganized secondary schools and general
content'. These courses will demand fresh are meant to help if the number of people courses were unable to compensate for changes
thinking from the colleges, because the leaving these courses to get a job far exceeds in the rest of the system.
traditional kind of course simply will neither do the jobs available. It would leave people with a
the job, nor appeal to the people who might specialized training of little use to them, thus the THE EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF RESOURCES
benefit most from the chance to join in. If the enjoinder to relate these courses to job It is not possible to tell from the published
spectrum of the population for whom some form opportunity (para 95). government statistics how much the country
of further education is not only available but But that does not mean that the courses have spends on each art student. Probably it is
availed of is to be widened, then this is the area no educational benefit, or that they lead to something less than the average university
where the greatest effort must be made. nothing but a dead-end job. Lest there should be student, but rather more than a technical
This system supported by part-time courses any doubt colleges are reminded to consider college student. Financial planning does not
(paras 131,140) gives the range of provision their students' needs beyond the gaining of figure in the report, this is something which the
which is the first necessity for a move towards employment (para 101. Significantly the DES keeps very much to itself. The report does
greater equality of educational opportunity. report recommends that courses should be briefly discuss the basis upon which the value of
The second necessity is that there should be designed so that there are a number of points at art and design education might be considered
opportunity to change direction once on a which students might transfer to other courses, (para 138-15o).
course so that the accessibility of different exit including Diploma courses (para Higher Education courses are better
points (qualifications) depends on a student's Similar possibility of transfer should exist financed than the rest—one reason for making
interests and ability, rather than the structure of within the main course groups : from one DipAD a degree level course. Another is that
the system. technician course to another, or from one teachers with a 'good' Honours degree get more
The minimum entrance qualification for a DipAD course to another. The joint-committee pay; thus the classes of award given under the
DipAD course is 5 '0' levels; in effect that expected transfer between different types of DipAD. Perversely the Diploma is actually
means to a foundation course also, at least for DipAD course to be 'exceptional', but the counted as a General Degree so students do not
those going on to DipAD, as taking '0' levels frequency and ease with which it will be qualify for the increment.
during the foundation year is discouraged. In successfully accomplished rests almost entirely
1968 about one in every five school leavers with the colleges. It requires not simply a liberal DEVELOPMENT OF THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION
passed that minimum level. By 1981 it is attitude but also that the courses be designed to So far the main strategy employed for
expected to be rather more than one in every allow for transfer. No college has yet tried to improving the quality of the DipAD courses has
three. The question is, how many of that submit a properly worked out network system of lain in the judicial function of the NCDAD.
majority of school leavers, without five '0' levels courses within the DipAD. There is nothing to Colleges were invited to pass an inspection
would want to enter the art and design system, stop them doing so. The problems are more before being admitted to the club. The rules of
and would be best served by entry either via a administrative than educational; a fully the game were quite simple—the NCDAD
foundation course or directly into a DipAD operational network system in a DipAD college decided the quality and the DES decided the
course. The joint committee was of the opinion would call for a reorganization of its quantity. (In 1967 the Department imposed a
that there were unlikely to be many (para 60-71). administrative structure. moratorium on the development of new DipAD
G.C.E. is not a measure of ability in art and Whether or not DipAD courses remain courses which has not yet been lifted.) The
design but by drawing largely from people with fundamentally 'linear' or not, the whole system, report suggests a more sophisticated
five '0' levels the diversity among the students DipAD, Technician, and general courses could development from the present position.
is likely to be kept within a manageable range. be developed into a large network. The principle is that a decision should not
An open entry to a course whose main purpose The two important principles of networks be taken at national level if it can be taken in a
from the start is to take people to a high level of are put forward in the report. The first is that college, and not taken at college level if it can be
attainment, is an unrealistic solution to the irrevocable decisions about specialization should taken in the studio (para 158); more information
problem of providing equal opportunity. be delayed for as long as is possible without about how the system is working should be
However, that is not true of the system as a whole. jeopardizing a student's development (paras 55, generally available (para 159); and there should