Page 29 - Studio International - October 1972
P. 29

as in the modelling and proportion of the   motion by the internal modelling of the element.   'bond Jianou, 'Brancusi', Adam Books, London,
                                                                                               1963, p. 22 et seq., for a rich and lively account of the
          element, and in the number of the units — too   What has gained for the Endless Column its   sculptor's early years in Rumania.
          many to be visually comprehended without   recent high esteem among artists — namely the   'Sidney Geist, 'Brancusi, A Study of the Sculpture',
          counting, yet few enough to read as a finite   idea of repetition — is seen in face of the object to   Grossman, New York, 1968, p. 12o.
                                                                                                mean to return to this proposition in a later essay.
          number.                                   be nothing in itself, unless the unit has a   4The typical 'piling' of elements characteristic of
            The impermanence of the original gilt   shape-potential that repetition will develop.   Brancusi's object-base ensembles is transformed in
          finish on the Column was the only serious   What is involved at Turgu Jiu is not an escape   the Gate and Column from a decorative device to the
          miscalculation made by Brancusi at Turgu Jiu.   from composition, but a daring and original   central motif of structures which in separate
                                                                                               fashions challenge and resist gravity. In the Table this
          While the sculpture was never polished, to the   re-statement of the antique but inescapable   structural component does not appear. The linear
          mirror-like finish on the bronze Birds in Space,   problem of part-whole, whole-part relation.   disposition of the three Turgu Jiu sculptures may be
                                                                                               seen as a horizontal 'piling'.
          for example, it must have been intensely    Certainly, as one explores the Endless   'Geist has noted the probable inspiration of Derain's
          light-reflective when first executed, and the   Column its character as a 'whole', as a complete   Crouching Figure here. Werner Hofmann, in
          difference in its expressive character from its   and finite object emerges as dominant. Its   `Museum und Kunst' (Beitrage für Alfred
          present state must have been substantial. The   appearance undergoes continuous change as one   Hentzen), Hamburg, 1970, thinks the dancing
                                                                                               couple in Matisse's painting Music of 1907 may have
          finish is now an uneven dull brown, with the   changes one's position in relation to it. Its   been the immediate source of the image, in the
          third, fourth and fifth elements from the bottom   broadest aspect (its front ?) is presented by the   context of an interesting discussion of Matisse's
                                                                                               influence on Brancusi at this time.
          still hinting at their former brightness. The   diagonal view, which is aligned along the main
                                                                                              'Geist, p. 123.
          combination of the present dark colour with the   north-south, east-west axes of the park. From   'Geist, p. 124.
          extended but regular proportions of the piece   this view, if the light falls across the Column so
          give it the feeling of wood. This is not   that one side is in shadow, the near edge reads
          inappropriate, considering that wood was the   as such a precise vertical that it seems as though
          material in which the theme was first conceived,   a division between light and dark had been
          and from which Brancusi carved the original   painted on the sculpture. The insistence of this
          module of the Turgu Jiu Column.° Nor is there   vertical is so strong that one comes to realize
          any sense in which the sculpture there feels   that in a sculpture which is a celebration of
          `wrong' now: the dark finish seems so natural   verticality there is not one vertical plane or
          that the original might appear forced and   edge above the lowest two-third element.
          theatrical to present taste. The dark, wooden,   As one circles the sculpture, as one
          quality of the sculpture on first acquaintance   advances towards it or retreats from it, there is
          gives it an 'African' character, which impression   a continuous interplay also between one's
          is reinforced by the optical effect of the light   knowledge of its physical substantiality and its
          `eating' into the flat top of the highest   appearance as silhouette. Here again the
          half-element, recalling the scalloped crown of   modelling of the unit induces the most
          King of Kings. 'Marvellous is the fact that the   remarkable illusion, transforming the sculpture,
          elements of the Column do not diminish in size   when seen at a distance, into a string of up-ended
          as they mount. The persistence of size and of   ellipses, and from certain angles closer in, to a
          shape, the constancy of the repetition, causes   fully modelled spiral. Where the sculpture reads
          the Column to remain near to the mind as it   dark against the bright sky the form is
          moves off from the eye. We have here a poetry   flattened and the left and right hand profiles
          of the actual, without illusion or compensation,   take on an independent, graphic, life.
          without tapering or entasis', writes Sidney   At any hour of the day no two views of the
          Geist.7   The optical performance of the Endless   sculpture from different points can ever yield
          Column is stunning. The constancy which Geist   precisely the same image. The complexity and
          describes is, of course, an illusion: the elements   variety of the Column's perceived existence
          do not appear to diminish. What happens is,   stand in contrast to that perceptual immediacy
          that as the sculpture moves upward, away from   and unity that distinguishes Brancusi's effort in
          the eye, the proportions of each element   sculpture up to that time, and point to a
          progressively become more squat, the breadth   radically new role for sculpture, whose form
          increasing proportionately to the height, the   and structure would be ordered not by reference
          relative proportion of the lowest full element   to the external world, nor by the ideal and
          being 2:I, height to breadth — of the highest full   contained universe of 'the object', but by
          element, possibly I :1. Of course there has been   directly articulating the perception of the
          an absolute perspective contraction: but the   spectator whose 'world' the sculpture has
          optical law is subverted by the created optical   entered. At Turgu Jiu, Brancusi takes as his
          fact.                                     model for this venture first an object of common
            The module with its gently swelling surface   use, The Table; then an element of architecture,
          giving, not given by, the precise geometric   The Gate; then a structure of pure and sublime
          sections, is in itself a model of entasis. Its   decoration, without function or justification, the
          expansiveness, as well as its geometric properties   Column. The progress towards abstraction is
          explain both the apparent constancy of the   ineluctable. If there is one piece in the history
          sculpture's proportions and the quality of 'flow'   of modern sculpture which in every respect
          up and down the Column. Surprisingly, the most   deserves the title 'masterpiece' it is surely the
          obvious positive-negative illusion, i.e. whether   Turgu Jiu Endless Column. q
          the element reads as convex or concave, does
          not present itself as a dominant and simple
          factor, but rather as the centre of a complex of
                                                                           King of Kings 1920 ( ?)
          ambiguities, which are both fused and set in                     Oak wood, 9 ft 10 1/8 in.
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