Page 77 - Studio International - September October 1975
P. 77

listened into) freely announced:   that it is time to throw those
      'If they don't give us permission,   formalists over the side of the
      we will organize another open-air   socialist vessel.
      exhibition.'                 So everything seemed clear. The
        The non-conformists planned   matter was decided. The 25 May
      to mount an open-air exhibition   exhibition was forbidden. 'The
      of paintings in Leningrad on 25   play is over,' so they say. But the
      May. But the authorities were   spectacle continued. Shortly after
      again embarking on moves of   the opening of the Leningrad
      repression, although it is true that   exhibition it was suddenly
      this time they managed without   announced officially that it had
      bulldozers. To intimidate others,   been decided to mount it again in
      Oscar Rabin, as the leader of the   September. What does one make
      Avant-garde movement, was   of this gesture? Some interpret it
      excluded from the Moscow City   as a sign of the struggle between
      Committee of Graphic Arts and   the liberals and the conservatives,
      placed in the position of a sponger   while others suggest that it is the
      or a parasite, since he could not   work of those who wish to delay
      work anywhere or belong to any   matters, to find a convenient way
      creative organization. The militia   out of an unattractive situation.
      had the right, through the courts,   And in any case what will
      to forcibly coerce people to work   tomorrow bring? At present, no-
      where they chose: in the factory,   one can be 100% certain about the
      plant or collective farm ..    answer to this question, not even
        Rabin's son, Alexander, a   the Minister of Culture.
      22-year-old artist, was sent an   However, after a year of
      anonymous letter with a warning   manoeuvres and tricks by the
      that he would be killed if he tried   High Command, with bulldozers
      to go to Leningrad with any   aimed at art, one thing is clear.
      paintings. To carry conviction he   The tactics of the authorities may
      was told the same thing several   change and for the sake of being
      times on the telephone. It was   able to demonstrate socialism to   Edgar Fernhout
      explained to the leading    the West it is possible that they   In the Spring 1973   strives towards geometric
      Leningrad non-conformists,   may permit one or two exhibitions   Oil on canvas, 85x 85 cm   regularity, while slight changes
      Eugene Rukhin and Yuri      by non-conformists. However,   in his own country.      within the pattern, variations in
      Jarkukh, that the open-air   any change in the cultural policy   Fernhout's early work in the   size, colour, direction and interval
      exhibition would be considered a   of the USSR cannot be expected   thirties was clearly influenced by   upset this equilibrium. J ust as
      breach of the peace and    quickly. If the avant-garde are   the Neue Sachlichkeit (New   nature's vitality is always checked
      participants would have to accept   called the champions of hostile   Objectivity). It consists of   by a principle of measure,
                                 ideology, then how can one talk
      the consequences. It was, however,                     paintings of usually modest   similarly a vital unrest in
      well-known to the Soviet people   seriously to people about their   subjects, such as autumn leaves   Fernhout's paintings is confronted
      that these harmless sounding   exhibitions and their art?   in front of an open window, or an   with the spirit of geometry. The
      formulae for crimes - such as   As to the actual exhibition in   empty room with a white curtain.   analogy of his art with nature lies
      breach of the peace - meant an   September, I assume that it will be   These paintings intrigue by their   in this very confrontation.
      appearance before the court and,   allowed to take place, if only in   almost painful intensity of   As in all good art, the richness
      after that, possibly a prison camp   honour of the bulldozers'   observation and breathtakingly   of Fernhout's paintings is
      or exile.                  anniversary. But will many artists   quiet atmosphere - the more   present on the surface but it is
        Even the press did not delay   dare to take part in it, after the   striking, maybe, when compared   revealed only to a patient and
      their entry into the fray. In the   way in which they have been   with the often somewhat shrill   observant eye. Because the process
      Moscow Evening News, the organ   treated? Will they be threatened   tones of the Neue Sachlichkeit.   of abstraction seems so self-
      of the Moscow Party Committee,   with expulsion from artistic   And Fernhout retained this   evident in retrospect, we tend to
      there appeared on 17 May a   organizations, deprived of their   silence and intensity throughout   forget that the painter himself, on
      threatening article by the art   studios, banished from Moscow   his development towards pure   the way, did not know where he
      critic, 1. Gorin, entitled 'There is   and Leningrad or even killed?   abstraction. The development   would end up: in a cul-de-sac or
      no third course.' It was directly      Alexander Gleser   itself sprang from his absorption   somewhere among the stars.
      and openly announced that all the                      with processes in nature. He   Fernhout's road ran parallel to
      talk was not about art but                             meticulously observed each form   Mondrian's; his paintings are
      politics  about the struggle                           of growth and decay, each   neither an advance nor a retreat,
      between two ideologies -                               movement and each change in   but an answer, as clearly
      communist and bourgeois.         Holland               colour, rhythm and tension in the   formulated as the question evoked
      Non-conformists were simply                            course of the seasons. As these   by Mondrian. Mondrian's art
      considered as charlatans. Many of                      processes are hardly amenable to   was based on measure; Fernhout's
      those calling themselves avant-  The key to universal harmony   conventional representation,   on the contrary, on the principle
      garde wished to disassociate   has always been sought in the laws   abstraction was forced upon him.   of growth.
      themselves from ideology - wrote   of mathematics. But the Platonic   In Fernhout's post-war   Measure and growth - two
      the author - and choose a third   harmony of which a painter like   paintings we can trace this process   principles bound up with a
      course. But such a course does not   Mondrian dreamt could never be   of abstraction. Each step was   fundamental aspect of post-war
      exist.                     fullyrealized because each concept   premeditated and every   modern art; the schism between
       According to Gorin, all non-  of the human mind, when bound   brushstroke corrected even before   organic and geometric
      conformist art is a homily to   to matter, loses some of its purity.   it was applied. In the end he hit   abstraction.
      bourgeois ideology and for this   Nevertheless, Mondrian   upon an authentic form of   A Dutch painter who, via
      reason the exhibitions are not   formulated his doctrine with such   abstraction which permitted him   careful observation of natural
      only unnecessary but also   vigour that it is impossible to   to transpose his unique   phenomena evolved towards
      harmful. Then, a week before the   ignore him, whether one honours   perception of natural phenomena   geometric abstraction is Ben
      proposed Leningrad exhibition,   or rejects him, accepts his creed   and achieve a general validity. In   Akkerman (born 1920). His
      all the liberal slogans proclaiming   or puts him down for a fool.   the last few years of his life his   magnificent exhibition a few
      'It is sometimes necessary to   After 1945 numerous painters   paintings show nothing but a   months ago, at Art and Project
      allow people to exhibit the   set themselves the task of   vibrating pattern of colour quanta   in Amsterdam, entitles him to
      canvases of the avant-garde' were   restoring flesh and blood to the   on a rich and fertile ground. They   more sympathetic publicity than
      hurriedly thrown away and   incomparably beautiful skeleton   look so deceptively simple, these   a mere notice in an Exhibition
      cudgels taken up with the well-  which Mondrian left at his death.   canvases, but their purity of   Diary. Initially, the source of
      tried native slogan 'Give   As this article is concerned with   execution and concentrated   Akkerman's inspiration, as in
      everything and do not allow   Dutch art I would like to   vision is outstanding. The colour   Fernhout's case, was nature, but
      anything.' With these words the   commemorate in this respect   quanta have been ordered with   unlike Fernhout, who was
      powers-that-be established   Edgar Fernhout, a painter who   utmost care; yet they have no   fascinated by growth and
      themselves in their favourite   who died last year, aged 62, and   fixed position because immobility   movement, Akkerman's
      Bolshevik position. 'Whoever is   who should internationally be   is inconsistent with nature itself.   preoccupation was with the formal
      not with us is against us' means    given the credit which is withheld    The delicately balanced pattern    aspects of the landscape: the

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